COVID-19. The population will be summoned by SMS to be vaccinated


reand according to the plan designed by the working group, order the vaccine against COVID-19-19 must be performed by SMS, advances TVI24. It should be remembered that both the President of the Government, António Costa, and the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, signed up between 27 and 29 for the start of the vaccination campaign.

Initially, it also reveals the channel, each user will receive a message asking if they want to be vaccinated. Subsequently, each Portuguese who receives it must answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’. If so, another will follow SMS with programming.

The first vaccines against COVID-19-19 will arrive in Portugal on 24 or 26 December and it is estimated that until April 950 thousand people are vaccinatedannounced today the coordinator of the Vaccination Plan working group.

According to Pfizer’s provisional vaccine delivery schedule, in December 9,750 doses will be delivered in janeiro 303,225, in February 429,000 and in March 487,500

“The information we have is that the first vaccines will arrive in Portugal on the 24th or 26th of December and we will be able to start the vaccination. In fact, what is combined in European terms is that the 27 member states will start vaccination from 27 to 29 December“Said the coordinator of the working group for the vaccination process, Francisco Ramos, at the end of a meeting with journalists, in which the” Vaccination Plan “was presented. COVID-19

On day 5 of janeiro, Portugal will receive more than 300 thousand doses, which means that during this month there are conditions to vaccinate about 120 thousand people who live in homes and another 20 thousand health professionals.

Who is included in each phase of vaccination?

A first phase The vaccination program includes 950 thousand priority people.

  • health professionals and residents of nursing homes and institutions and similar professionals and interns in intensive care units – 250 thousand people;
  • people aged 50 years or older, with at least one of the following conditions: heart failure, coronary heart disease, kidney failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in support ventilatory me oxygen therapy long-term – 400 thousand people;
  • Healthcare professionals directly involved in the care of patients and professionals of the security forces and critical services – 300 thousand people

A second stage Vaccination includes all people over 65 years old (with pathology or not, and people over 50 with diabetes, neoplasm malignant active, liver failure, kidney failure, obesity, high blood pressure and possibly other pathologies). This includes 1.8 million people.

A third phase includes the “rest of the population”.

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