The top Republican in Congress finally acknowledges Joe Biden’s victory. Minutes later, Trump again denounces fraud


Joe Biden was confirmed by the Electoral College on Monday as president-elect of the United States, but won the election more than a month ago. Donald Trump, who will be president until January 20, never acknowledged this victory, never conceded, always claimed fraud, and the vote of the big voters, who cast, on behalf of their states, 306 votes in Biden and only needed 270 to be president did not change the situation. However, many expected this reaction from Trump, not from the hundreds of Republicans across the country who hold office in state legislatures and who continue to argue that the election was a fraud.

One of the best-known and most important Republican names in Congress, the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, just this Tuesday decided to recognize Joe Biden as president-elect, an action that critics of Trump and his unfailing ones consider too much late. and that it may even have influenced the reluctance of others to accept that the Republicans have not been able to reelect their candidate.

“Many of us expected the presidential elections to produce a different result, but our system of government has processes in place to determine who will be sworn in on January 20. The Electoral College spoke. So today I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden, ”McConnell said in an address to the Senate. In addition to Biden, McConnell also congratulated Senator Kamala Harris, elected vice president, not forgetting that this election by Americans marks a new page in history. “Despite all of our differences, Americans can be proud that the country has elected a vice president for the first time,” McConnell said.

On the reasons that continue to lead so many Republicans to question the democratic act, McConnell said nothing, choosing to praise the president for his service in these four years: “The outsider who swore to shake Washington and lead our country to new conquests both at the nationally and abroad he did precisely what he promised ”.

Donald Trump, however, continues to resist. A few minutes after McConnell’s “concession”, Trump took to Twitter to once again challenge the presidential results. “There is enormous evidence of electoral fraud. Nothing like this has ever happened in our country! “Wrote Trump, a claim immediately tagged by the Twitter team itself with the phrase that has appeared so many times in Trump’s tweets about presidential candidates:” The allegation of electoral fraud is contested. other sources “.

Again, Trump did not offer any facts that could support the claim that last November’s presidential election was decided amid rampant fraud that he alleges, which even his outgoing attorney general, William Barr, acknowledged did not exist.
