Civil Protection issues recommendations to face bad weather in the next 24 hours


The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) today issued recommendations for the next 24 hours due to the forecast of heavy rain and wind, throughout the national territory, until Wednesday afternoon. In a statement, the ANEPC explains. that the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) predicts, from today afternoon until Wednesday afternoon, persistent rain (sometimes strong), strong wind and strong marine turbulence on the west coast.

In view of the forecasts, Proteo Civil admits the possibility of accidents due to slippery pavement, falling branches or trees, floods and damage to mounted or suspended structures. ANEPC advises avoiding any activity related to the sea, passageways. flooded and warns that drivers should be especially careful when driving along the coast and waterfront.

Civil Protection also recommends the cleaning of water drainage systems, the correct fixing of loose structures and the adoption of defensive driving, reducing speed and taking special care with the possible formation of layers of water and the existence of areas of little visibility. .
