Electoral College confirms Joe Biden’s victory in the US elections – Jornal Económico


Joe Biden’s victory was ratified after delegates from the California Electoral College assigned all 55 votes from that state to the Democrat, who already had 347 votes and now has 302 votes out of 538.

The decision was announced in Sacramento, California, at 5:29 p.m. in Washington, the US capital (10:29 p.m. in Lisbon).

However, the president-elect will only be officially declared successor to Republican Donald Trump in the White House when the state of Hawaii casts its votes, ending the voting process in all 50 US states.

All four votes from Hawaii should also be attributed to Joe Biden, who, according to projections by various American media outlets, including CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post, will put an end to this. process with 306 votes from the Electoral College. Donald Trump raised just 232.

In the United States, the president is not elected by popular vote, but by an indirect system, through the vote of large voters, chosen according to electoral results and according to the population of each state (the most populous being the one with the right to more votes). ).

Biden won in several states that assigned him 306 delegates, surpassing the minimum of 270 needed to be president.

Biden’s inauguration ceremony as the 46th president of the United States will take place on January 20.
