Thousands demonstrate in Warsaw against abortion law and government


The demonstration, composed mainly of women and young people, crossed the city towards the house of the Deputy Prime Minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, one of the main figures of the Conservatives and considered responsible for the measure. However, the authorities managed to block access to the street where the deputy prime minister lives.

During the night, a group of farmers who accused the government of doing nothing about falling food prices also threw a dead pig, as well as potatoes and eggs, onto Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s street.

The protests began on October 22, when the Constitutional Court, reformed by the Law and Justice Party (PiS), and in accordance with the will of this political division, prohibited the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in cases of severe malformation of the fetus. claiming that it was “incompatible” with the Constitution.

The decision resulted in the prohibition of all abortions, except in cases of rape and incest or when the life of the mother is in danger.

Demonstrations against the controversial law and the conservative government did not demobilize with the covid-19 pandemic, which has already caused more than 22,000 deaths in Poland.
