The director of the PSP proposes the extinction of the Police and the SEF and the “merger” into a national force


On a day when a police officer died and in the week in which a Ukrainian citizen reported ill-treatment at a police station, the national director of the PSP, Manuel Magina da Silva, revealed this Sunday, at the Palace of Belém, that proposed to the President of the Republic a solution for the police reorganization that includes the extinction of the PSP and SEF – Immigration and Border Service – and for the “merger” of the two forces into a “national police”.

In this new organization, Magina da Silva explained after an audience with the President of the Republic, “the PSP is extinguished, the SEF is extinguished and a national police force emerges, as in Spain or Italy.” Contacted by Expresso, the office of the Minister of Internal Administration declined to comment and referred to Wednesday’s statement announcing the restructuring of SEF. The national director of PSP affirmed, on the possibility that PSP absorbs today the professionals of the SEF that “all good cops are welcome”. “Here we will be calm and calm to face this challenge,” he added.

Magina da Silva expressed, in statements to journalists, her disgust at the public treatment that has been given to the SEF. “I want to show my disgust at the way the SEF is treated in the public square. SEF has excellent professionals, whose good performance over the years has been vilified“he lamented.

The meeting with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa at the Belém Palace was held at the request of the director of the PSP, under the pretext of offering the President of the Republic a book published 15 days ago by the PSP, in addition to taking stock of the year.

For journalists, Magina da Silva stressed that “the PSP in such a difficult year knew how to measure up.” “We correspond to how much was expected of us. We already have psychological comfort and we know that 81% of the Portuguese trust the police. But the police also expect this support to materialize,” defended the PSP director.

Magina da Silva also spoke about the PSP agent who died in the early hours of Sunday after being beaten while trying to arrest a man who assaulted the woman on the street in Évora.

“Today, simultaneously for the 20 thousand men and women of the PSP and for the national director, is a day of sadness, but also of pride,” said the director of the PSP, noting that the agent, who was off duty, continued ” the appeal of your mission. ”

The same official indicated that the Ukrainian Citizen Case who denounced having been attacked by the PSP, and who was denounced this Saturday, was not approached at the meeting with the head of state, but he defended the actions of the police before the citizen, who was driving a car with the lights off while intoxicated. “The citizen did not cooperate, he was aggressive and had to be handcuffed”explained Magina da Silva.

The director of the PSP also indicated that a disciplinary investigation is underway to verify the facts associated with this case. “We have nothing to hide,” Magina da Silva said.
