Romanian journalist says Webo called PSG-Basaksehir referees “gypsies”




Journalist Emanuel Rosu said on Wednesday that Pierre Webo reportedly called the referees “gypsies.” He also mentions that he was not the fourth official to pronounce the word “black”, referring to the assistant coach, but one of the assistant referees.

New information is emerging about the racism case at PSG-Basaksehir. On Wednesday, Romanian journalist Emanuel Rosu said that Pierre Webo called the members of the refereeing team “gypsies.”

Rosu, who cites sources close to the referee team, also adds that whoever says the word “Negro”, referring to the Turkish assistant coach, is not, after all, the fourth official, Sebastián Coltescu. According to this journalist, it was one of the attendees, Octavian Sovre, who spoke.

“Very important. Sources close to the referees told me that it is assistant Octavian Sovre who is heard on the recording and not Coltescu. Furthermore, the Romanian referees claim that Webo nicknamed them gypsies from the second minute, hence the reason for ‘no I can act that way, ‘”Rosu wrote on Twitter. It was also him, let us remember that on Wednesday he announced the content of the communication between the referees: “That black man over there. Go and see who he is. The black man over there cannot act like that.”
