Influence peddling and harmful management in the millionaire toll road business


Prosecutors rule out corruption in highway PPPs. The hypothesis was considered at the beginning of the investigation, in 2011, being discarded in the meantime. Harmful administration between crimes now in question.

The Public Ministry (MP) rejected the hypothesis that there could have been corruption in the field of negotiation, between 2008 and 2010, of the contracts for the introduction of tolls in the ex-court and the sub-concession, at the same time, of five roads. The investigation, initiated at the initiative of a prosecutor in October 2011, after a televised comment by Luís Marques Mendes, has 11 defendants, including three ministers and two secretaries of State of the government of José Sócrates (2005-2011).

According to the information contained in the process to be carried out in the Central Directorate of Criminal Action and Investigation, consulted by the JN, the cases in question are now, exclusively, alleged illegal of harmful administration, influence peddling and economic participation in business. Initially, the existence of corruption was considered due to an illegal act in competition with tax fraud, money laundering and criminal association, but the evidence collected will not have confirmed this possibility.
