Autistic family that “never played” offers a playground for Sameiro, in Braga


The Câmara de Braga began with the second phase of the comprehensive rehabilitation work of Variante da Encosta, along the axis formed by Avenidas D. João II, Alfredo Barros and Lusíadas, as well as its connection with the University of Minho.

Then, O MINHO revealed to the councilman responsible for the Works, João Rodrigues, the intervention begins at Dom João II Avenue and ends at Rua Amândio César. It may involve cutting down some trees: “If it is necessary to cut down, we will always plant more. We have adopted a policy of three for one in municipal works. For every tree felled, we plant at least three, “said the mayor, denying that the total reaches 50 trees, as mentioned in a weekly debate by RUM – Radio Universitaria del Minho.

With an investment of three million euros, financed by the North Regional Operational Program – NORTE2020, the project, which has an execution period of one year, “improves the condition of pedestrian circulation, with the creation of new pedestrian crossings, reformulates the design of roundabouts and adopt traffic calming measures in order to humanize the public space, reduce the primacy of the automobile and promote fluid modes of circulation ”.

Two months on site

The execution of the second contract will have a duration of two months, with works of comprehensive requalification of sidewalks, insertion and implementation of the bike lane, creation of access for people with reduced mobility, requalification and reinforcement of public lighting, reconfiguration of the roundabout next to the hotel . B&B (in Lamaçães) and also the implementation of elevated walkways in Rua de Urjais, Rua Manuel Ferreira Gomes, Rua Segismundo Lima and Avenida Dom João II.

Hillside Bypass Requalification. Photo: DR

In the end, the Bypass will have seven kilometers of cycle lanes with connection to UMinho, 20 thousand m2 of accessible pedestrian paths, protection of the cycle lane at crossings, reduced traffic speed, 61 safe and accessible crossings, reinforcement of lighting and comprehensive resurfacing.

Panoramic of the city

João Rodrigues explained that “the intervention is part of a global vision of the city. The project will implement a new section of bike lane, strengthening the connection with the university. But not before, at the beginning of the intervention and together with the parish council and neighbors, we promoted interventions to harmonize and create parking in the surroundings ”.

He added that “it is not only the connection of the route that we are going to execute. With this intervention we seek to increase road and pedestrian safety, increase afforestation along the section and reinforce public lighting, all in a combination of factors that will enhance the conditions of convenience and comfort in public space ”.

Other routes of the Activity Plan

Regarding the Works sector, the Activity Plan for 2021 also foresees the “requalification and humanization of Rua do Sardoal, Rua de São Vítor and Rua D. Pedro V, in the parish of S. Vítor and Rua Alférez Alfredo Ferreira, Rua do Carmo and Avenida Norton de Matos, in S. Vicente. . Along with the intervention in Variante da Encosta, the adjacent roads will also be requalified, namely António Palha Avenue and Robert Smith Avenue.

Hillside Bypass Requalification. Photo: DR

The “I’m passing through here” projects will also be opened, which will have a great impact on the main school groups in the consolidated area of ​​the city in terms of mobility for all and road safety, specifically in the following locations: Praça Conde de Agrolongo, Praça do Município, Rua Comendador Santos da Cunha, Rua Pedro Magalhães Gondavo, Rua D. Diogo de Teive, Rua dos Voluntários Firefighters, Rua do Fujacal, Rua André́ Soares, Rua Álvaro Carneiro Praceta Fernando Pessoa, Rua 25 de Abril, Rua Marcelino Sá́ Pires , Rua do Conservatório, Rua António de Mariz, Rua Dr. António Alves Palha, Rua Luís António Correia, Rua Francisco Sousa Gomes, Rua Sá́ Miranda, Rua de Damão, Rua Beato Miguel Carvalho, Rua da Restauração, Rua Martins Sarmento, Rua do taxa, Travessa do taxa, Rua Dr. Manuel Monteiro, Rua D. António Bento Martins Júnior Rua Dr. José́ Sousa Machado, Rua Conselheiro S. Januário, Rua da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Rua Adelina Caravana, Rua Amé rica Ferreira de Carv alho Rua da Fábrica, Rua Pascoal Fernandes and Rua Cónego Avelino Jesus Costa.
