Ernest Depression brings cold, rain, snow, and strong wind.


Alfredo Graça Alfredo Graça 6 min
woman;  umbrella;  wind
The Ernest Depression will generate strong winds in mainland Portugal, as well as rain and rough seas.

One storm after another, this is how you can sum up the weather of the last few days in mainland Portugal. The Dora depression left incredible accumulations of snow in several cities in the North and Central regions, even in unusual places. Meanwhile, a powerful storm that is affecting France and Spain, named Ernest, with hurricane-force winds and waves up to 10 meters high., will also be felt in mainland Portugal.

Here its effects will not be so adverse, but still we must be cautious. The effects associated with Storm Ernest will begin to show this afternoon, with intensifying wind, ocean waves, precipitation (some in the form of snow) and decreasing temperatures.

Showers, gusts and cold in the first half of the week

The first lines of atmospheric instability were already felt in the early hours of Monday, with very cloudy skies and rain and showers that have been occurring with some frequency in the North and Center regions. But nevertheless, snowfall at elevations above 1,400 meters to the north and center, gradually descending to 1000/1200 meters, with emission of yellow warning for the Serra da Estrela and in other districts in the north of the country, such as Bragança, Vila Real, Braga and Viana do Castelo.

The west wind will blow moderate, sometimes strong, throughout the day, having activated the yellow alert in several districts of the northern regions, with gusts that must exceed 70 km / h on the north coast and part of the central coast (covering the district of Coimbra) and up to 100 km / h in the northern and central highlands. Furthermore, a yellow warning was also issued due to maritime disturbances, with northwest waves 4 to 5 meters high part of the western coast, in districts such as Porto and Lisbon, which will remain in effect until tomorrow.

The meteorological conditions, still under the influence of the storm Ernest, will begin to subside at the end of tomorrow, feast of the Immaculate Conception (8). The weather forecast for tomorrow includes very cloudy skies and light rains from north to south of the country, except in the district of Faro, which is expected to have very cloudy skies. Some may open during the day. The northwest wind will continue to blow moderately for most of the day, weakening in the early evening.. With regard to temperatures, we will generally record a drop in both highs and lows. The minimums will drop to around 0 ºC in the districts of Bragança, Guarda, Vila Real and Viseu.

Wednesday (9) will be, according to our most reliable model, the ECMWF – the most stable day of the week. A meteorological scenario is forecast with some scarce rains, irregularly distributed over the continental territory and a very cloudy sky. The wind will blow lightly on the west coast, changing to a moderate rate at the end of the day.

After Ernest’s depression, more time on Thursday?

As of Thursday (10), it is estimated a notable increase in temperatures, especially the minimum ones, accompanied by the arrival of Atlantic fronts that will leave moderate rainfall, sometimes strong, throughout the north, as well as in the districts of Leiria and Coimbra and in some parts of Alto Alentejo. The wind from the west quadrant intensifies again that day, a moderate blow, sometimes strong, in much of the country. It is possible that ideal weather conditions to fuel another climate with the potential to be named, but some uncertainty still remains.

For Friday (11), the outlook will be very similar to the previous day, with a slight decrease in the amount of rain forecast, very cloudy, rainy and windy.
