Google Stadia arrived in Portugal and Pplware tested game streaming


Streaming services are gaining ground in recent years. We depend less and less on local services and our goal is for the Internet to provide us with content. After conquering music and video, now is the time to attack the playground.

Google chose this as one of its focus areas and has its offering on Stadia. This service has piqued the curiosity of many and now there is excellent news. Stadia is finally available in Portugal and Pplware has already tested it.

Stadia Google web streaming games

Stadia arrived in Portugal

The paradigm is changing and we are increasingly dependent on the Internet. This already goes beyond website visits and advancements in streaming services in several areas. Games are the new proposal and large companies are betting on this area.

Google has a stake in Stadia in this area and has more and more proposals at the gaming level. They are prepared for this new platform and for what users want, always with the premise that there is a dependency on the Internet.

Google bets on its gaming service

Given what the consoles offer, Stadia has the advantage that it can be used anywhere and on any device. We are talking about smartphones, tablets, the browser or any television, the latter depends on a Chromecast Ultra, which is not yet available in Portugal.

With a full range of games, constantly updated, Stadia is prepared for the needs of all users. Many of these are included in the Pro plan for free, but there are still additional titles that can be purchased.

Easy to use and play

As you would expect from a Google service, its interface is simple, intuitive, and easy to use. Even more important is the user experience, which is transversal and the same on all devices, be it smartphone, tablet, browser or TV.

To interact with Stadia and be a gaming platform, a command is required. This service is compatible with most of those on the market, but offers 2 alternatives. We're talking about the Stadia remote and the final solution, the remote that's on the screen. The latter is more than enough for a smartphone game.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.

The great advantage of Stadia is that it does not require any element on the smartphone other than its application. All processing is done in the cloud and then transmitted to the smartphone. In this way, you eliminate resource consumption and even storage space.

Of course, this advantage brings some challenges and some conditions. The Internet connection must be permanent and of good quality. The service constantly validates this element and alerts the user when there are changes.

Stadia Google web streaming games

A complete list of games

Choosing and adding a new game is a simple and quick process. Simply access the list of proposals and make the claim. This title is immediately available in the user's game list and ready to play.

Access to the games is also quick and easy. Once chosen from the list of titles present, it loads like any console or other platform. In seconds, the player is ready to set up and play.

It's time to try this novelty from Google

Another advantage of being in the Cloud is the ability to change platforms transparently. The games are recorded and when making the change everything is present as if nothing had changed. Just call the game on the new device.

This is how Stadia comes to our country today. Portugal is ready to explore this Google service right away. For € 9.99 per month, the list of games is long and complete, in the most different genres. It remains to be seen when the Stadia controller and Chromecast Ultra arrive to expand this proposal even further.
