Enough. The “Cork Law” has already caused the suspension of three militants


André Ventura created a directive to impose sanctions on his militants who criticize the party or the national leadership in the press, social networks or even WhatsApp groups. This is Directive 3/2020, which represents a kind of “cork law”, which has been in force since December 2 and was communicated to the militants by email. Al i, the party leader assured that three militants have already been suspended: one in Setúbal, one in the Algarve and one in Beja.

According to the official, “it was essential to ensure that there are no attacks on the good name of the other militants and the name of the party, as has been happening,” and added that “if the party wants to be a government party, it must concentrate on the political struggle outside and not in the internal guerrillas ”, he explains to i.

In this same internal communication, the militants are informed that “as of 00:00 hours on December 2, all publications by militants who intend to continue this permanent climate of internal guerrilla warfare will be immediately and severely punished, which favors those who want perpetuate the will. internal confusion and destroy Chega ”. And he also remembers that “the networks, the pages, the groups, must serve to combat our political opponents and not to stain the party itself,” says the email, signed by Vice President Ricardo Regalla.

The directive establishes that “the offensive reference to members or officials of the party, in any context”, implies the “immediate suspension” of the offending activist “from all positions and functions, as well as from membership, for a minimum period of 30 days ”. And this suspension will apply even if the militant acts in “personal or third party defense.” The idea is that criticisms are made only “in the right bodies.”

This decision comes after a publication by Filipe Melo, candidate for the district of Braga do Chega, addressed to Cibelli Pinheiro de Almeida, president of the district assembly board. The first will have said on Facebook that she would not be a Brazilian who would govern the destinies of a nationalist party.

It should be remembered that at the Chega congress, held in Évora in September, Ventura only managed to elect its director on the third attempt. This required a two-thirds majority to pass.
