The TAP plan will be voted on in Parliament. With lead, “TAP ends”, says Marques Mendes – Aviação


TAP’s restructuring plan will be debated and voted on in Parliament after receiving the “green light” from the European Commission. The news was released this Sunday by Luís Marques Mendes, who, in his comment, in the SIC, said that a few days ago the decision of the Executive to submit the plan to Parliament for approval was communicated to the PSD.

“The Government communicated to PSD a correct but surprising decision a few days ago: as soon as the EC approves TAP’s restructuring plan, it will be taken to Parliament for discussion and a vote. This will force the parties to take a position. Not only discussing. It is also voting, “said the commentator.

Marques Mendes also stressed that the decision has “a serious consequence.” “If the Plan fails in Parliament, TAP ends. The question is: who is going to make this plan viable?” He asked.

The restructuring plan, drawn up by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) consultancy, within the scope of state support of up to 1,200 million euros, has to be delivered to the European Commission before December 10, but the Union of Aviation Pilots Civil (SPAC) has already written to the Government asking that negotiations with Brussels be postponed. The union believes that the plan is based on market forecasts “totally out of date” and warns that the rescue guidelines, which structured the aid granted to TAP, are inadequate and will lead to the extinction of the carrier.

Marques Mendes believes that “the unions are doing their part. It is natural, it is legitimate, it is obvious. It cannot be hurt.”

“For years there was a great tolerance on the part of the Portuguese towards the losses of TAP and TAP. TAP was a kind of” sacred cow “. Today it is not like that. The Portuguese like TAP but are tired of” putting ” money in TAP. Tolerance for TAP is over, “he said. “TAP has lived beyond its means for years. The proof is that in ten of the last eleven years it has had losses. It only made gains in 2017. Even in 2018 and 2019, years of growth and tourism boom, it had losses. One such a company is either restructured or has no future. “

For Marques Mendes, “the future model of TAP, in my opinion, should be this: first, a mostly private TAP; second, a TAP in which the State pays for public service missions (connections to the Autonomous Communities; PALOP; and Portuguese communities); thirdly, a TAP that in everything else is capable of acting in accordance with the rules of competition “.
