Ventura creates ″ cork law ″ to silence internal critics of Chega


Chega president André Ventura threatens to suspend militants who criticize “the public image of the party and its representatives.” The transgressions will be “severely punished”.

The imposition of the “cork law” was made public after the publication of an internal document on social networks, and whose veracity was confirmed by the JN with the official source of Chega. The rule is signed by Ricardo Regalla Dias Pinto, the party’s director of public relations.

In the text it can be read that, “by decision of the party president”, the Directive 3/2020. This “prohibits any public reference – in the press, on social networks or in large conversation groups – to other militants or leaders, with objectively negative consequences for the public image of the party and its representatives.”

Thus, according to the document, starting at midnight on December 2, all the publications of militants who intend to continue this permanent climate of internal guerrillas, which favors those who want to perpetuate the internal, destroy Chega. “

Ventura: “We must respect the good name of the party”

In a written statement sent to JN, André Ventura considered that the ban is justified because “it is necessary to ensure that militants and leaders respect the name of the party and the good name and integrity of the other militants.”

“We have to be focused on our opponents and not on the fight against the internal guerrilla,” added the only deputy of the party.

The directive establishes that “offensive reference to party members or officials, in any context” implies the “immediate suspension” of the offending militant “from all positions and functions, as well as from membership, for a minimum period of 30 days. “.

This punishment will apply even if the member in question acts in “personal or third party defense”. The party wants criticism to be made only “in its own organs.”

It is recalled that at the Chega congress, held in Évora in September, Ventura only managed to elect its director on the third attempt. This required a two-thirds majority to pass.

In April, “fed up” and “tired” of the internal attacks, he had resigned from the Chega presidency, being reelected in September with 99% of the votes.
