Europe eases some restrictions during the Christmas holidays


ASome European countries have chosen to soften the measures adopted to curb the Covid-19 pandemic during the Christmas period, in order to allow the celebration with family and friends, maintaining the restrictions.

+++ ITALY +++

In Italy, travel between December 21 and January 6, 2021, travel between municipalities on 25 and 29 of this month and New Year’s Eve will be prohibited, except in cases of work, health or return home .

It is also forbidden to go out without reason between 22:00 and 05:00. On January 1, 2021, the curfew will be extended until 07:00.

As for Christmas lunches and dinners, the Government recommended celebrating them only with family members who live in the same house, but did not advance the maximum number of guests.

The restaurants will be open for lunch, even on holidays, but with a maximum of four people per table. The bars and cafes will be open until 6:00 p.m. in the yellow zone (the lowest risk zone in the country) and until Three Kings Day (January 6), the shops may be open until 9:00 p.m. The shopping centers will be closed during the weekend.

The time of the Misa del Gallo, which is traditionally celebrated from midnight on December 31, must be brought forward so that the faithful can return home before curfew. Cinemas and theaters will be closed during the festive period.

+++ GERMANY +++

During the Christmas holidays there will be a slight reduction in restrictions so that it can be celebrated with family or friends, with 10 being the maximum number of people, not counting those under 14 years of age. Tighter measures may be imposed in regions with a particularly high incidence of infections.

Currently, the maximum number of people allowed in the meetings is five, from two different households, also excluding those under 14 years of age.

In Berlin, which in one week managed to lower the cumulative incidence rate in seven days from 215.6 nine days ago to 179 on Friday, the Christmas and New Year holidays will have to be celebrated in a smaller circle, up to five people, in addition to children under 12 years of age.


The UK will ease restrictions between December 23 and 27 to allow family reunions at Christmas, but within limits defined by different regions.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have decided that people in up to three separate households can form a “bubble” on those dates to celebrate the Christmas period.

These days, there will be no limit to the number of people who make up the “bubbles”, with the exception of Scotland, which has imposed a limit to a maximum of eight, where children under 12 are not included.

In Northern Ireland, restrictions are eased from December 22 to 28.

+++ BELGIUM +++

In Belgium, families can only invite one person who does not live in the same house for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. People who live alone can invite two.

The curfew, which currently begins at 10 p.m., will be lightened until midnight on December 24. When on New Year’s Eve, the Belgian Government has not yet defined it.


The Netherlands will only decide on the rules after the 8th of this month, but it is not expected to ease the partial lockdown the country is in.

The Government is committed to keeping the hotel sector closed until mid-January 2021 (or perhaps reopening it in a very limited way) and may temporarily increase the maximum number of pieces that can be assembled in the interior spaces of residences from three to six.

The prohibition on the sale and consumption of alcohol and drugs on the streets will also remain in effect from 8:00 p.m., every day of the week.


In Luxembourg, the government does not intend to ease the restrictions imposed at the end of November, which include the curfew from 23:00 to 06:00, until the end of the year, so visits are reserved for a maximum of two guests. at home.

++ AUSTRIA +++

Austria will ease the limitations on private gatherings at Christmas and New Years. At the same time, until January 6, it maintains the curfew from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., as well as the prohibition of shows, the closure of all gastronomy and the rental of spaces for parties and in hotels and pensions.

For the Christmas holidays, from December 24 to 26, as well as New Years Eve, from December 31 to January 1, special and lighter rules will apply. On these days the curfew is suspended and gatherings are allowed in private homes with a maximum of 10 people from several different families.

At the same time, measures have been imposed to reduce travel during the winter holidays, where many Austrians tend to ski in the Alps. However, the hotels of the ski resorts will remain closed, although the slopes will be open.

+++ ROMANIA +++

The Romanian authorities, although until now they have not placed limits on the number of people who can meet in private homes at Christmas and New Year, they prohibit parties in private places with more than six people, having requested responsibility. to prevent new outbreaks.

In addition to some population centers that were isolated due to the high number of contagion cases, Romania did not impose confinement or closure of perimeters or restrictions on movement between regions or large cities.


The Czech Republic is considering extending the state of emergency beyond December 12, in order to keep social contact restrictions in force and with the aim of stopping the spread of the new coronavirus, in a context of decreasing infections.

The measures do not cover members of the same family, that is, there is no limit to the number of family members in a private meeting.

On the other hand, outside of family groups, there can be no more than six people and, in religious celebrations, more than 10.

A maximum of six people can meet in the street, while bars and restaurants should not admit customers above 50% of their capacity. Each table can have a maximum of four people.

The measures also apply to mountain resorts, which Czechs often go to during the Christmas holidays.

Also read: UK considers a spring pandemic setback “likely”

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