The award for healthcare professionals is paid this month


The performance bonus for healthcare professionals who were on the front lines against the pandemic during the first wave (March 19-May 2) will be paid later this month.

According to the decree-law, which came into force this Friday, the premium is paid only once and “in 2020.” The amount is equivalent to 50% of the basic monthly salary of each professional.

Remember, doctors, nurses, pre-hospital emergency medical technicians, forensic doctors, workers of the unit and prison health services and civil workers of the Hospital of the Armed Forces, who work in the National Health Service, in the covered areas. dedicated to Covid-19, primary health care, emergency services, intensive care, laboratories, health centers and public health departments of regional health administrations. The defined requirement is that they have worked at least 30 days (which includes days of weekly rest, isolation or illness resulting from SARS-CoV-2 infection) in the first line: in observation, clinical evaluation, contact identification, tests of screening, active surveillance.

In addition to the award, the professionals will have more vacation days. The increase will be one more day of vacation for every 80 hours of normal work performed during the first state of emergency and renewals (that is, between March 19 and May 2) and an additional day for every 48 hours of time extra. .

The award was the target of criticism from the Ordem dos Medicos, medical unions and nurses. The main problem is the exclusion of those who are in the first line in the second wave.

“It will be a marginal number to receive the awards for the SNS universe”, defended Noel Carrilho, from the National Federation of Doctors. The president, Miguel Guimarães, also criticized the “injustice” and lamented the “propaganda”.

In an interview with Public, the Minister of Health, Marta Temido admitted the approval of awards for professionals who are in the front line in the second wave.
