″ Vítor Oliveira will always be my father in football ″


Joana carvalho

Beto, international goalkeeper for Leixões, says that the coach “leaves a legacy of truth, coherence, frankness, honesty and dignity.”

Beto, the Portuguese international goalkeeper who returned to Leixões this season, has great affection for Vítor Oliveira, for whom he was trained more than once.

“Vítor Oliveira believed in a key moment in my career. He will always be my father in football and, curiously, it was the day I lost my father that my father was born in football. So I had a very strong, very sentimental connection” . , with Vítor, and another very important person in my life and I will miss him very much. He will always remain in my heart because he is a great man as well as a great coach ”.

The impact of the news on Saturday?

“It was a sad day for me and for football. It was one of the few in which you could believe that football is still pure. As a coach and as a person, Vítor will always be a reference, an example and it was a painful day for I was one of the first people to receive information, I went to the place, and seeing it there, it destroyed me inside, “he said, excited.

What will you try to pass from Vítor Oliveira to his teammates?

“I believe that Vítor Oliveira leaves a true legacy in football, of coherence, frankness, honesty and dignity. And this is what I will try to transmit to these generations. It seems that there are values ​​that have been lost and Vítor was one of the people who maintained these values ​​are very much alive and it is my duty to pass on this legacy left by Vítor ”.
