US Democrats attack Bolsonaro and ask deputy for protection


We, members of the Congress of United States, we solidarityus with the Brazilian deputy Plate Petrone. (…) After receiving several death threats credible – and not having received protection Brazilian Government – Petrone she was forced to hide to guarantee her safety and that of her five-year-old daughter, ”says the letter, shared by Mrs. Susan Wild, on the social network Twitter.

Plate Petrone, the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL), was forced to leave Rio de Janeiro after being notified by the Brazilian police of messages from Audio, with plans to assassinate her and with death threats.

“It is totally unacceptable to us that elected officials in a democracy cannot fulfill their mandates due to the threats against them and their families. We call for a thorough and impartial investigation to identify and prosecute those responsible for the threats,” emphasized the Congressmen.

“It is important to note that the deputy Petrone she is, like most Brazilians, Afro-Brazilian. While Afro-Brazilians represent 54% of the country’s total population and women 51.8%,times of the Brazilian deputies is made up of only 24.3% Afro-Brazilians and 15% female legislators. We know very well how difficult it can be to obtain equity and government representation in countries with high levels of racial and gender disparity, ”the text states.

In the letter, Democrats contend Bolsonaro for not guaranteeing the security of the elected authorities in the country and accusing him of “violating the rights and dignity of broad sectors of the Brazilian population.”

“As president, Bolsonaro continues to undermine the rights of Afro-Brazilians, women and individuals Lgbt (Acronym for lesbians, gays, BisexualTransvestites Transsexuals me Transgender), indigenous peoples and others. (…) For this reason, since the beginning of the Presidency of Bolsonaro, a broad coalition of members of Congress from United States spoke out against and worked to contain the constant praise of the Trump administration (PR of the United States) a Bolsonaro“says the text.

In the letter, the US congressmen also mention the murder of the councilor. Marielle Franco in 2018 and threats against former deputy Jean Wyllys, who left the country, both from PSOL, such as Plate Petrone.

“We will continue with the Brazilian people and oppose the undemocratic and xenophobes behavior taken by the president Bolsonaro“adds the letter, signed by 22 Democrats.

US Democratic Congressmen have already criticized various government measures Bolsonaro, mainly on human rights and environmental policy issues.

With the victory of Democrat Joe Biden In this year’s presidential elections, the party’s left-most wing is expected to pressure the president-elect to do so.

“Choosing Joe BidenAmericans created an opportunity for our country to distance itself from the authoritarian and racist policies adopted by the Trump administration. It is imperative that the Government of Biden and members of Congress defend the rights of workers around the world, including activists Afro-Brazilians, protectors of indigenous lands and trade unionists in Brazil, “US Deputy Andy Levin, one of the signatories of the letter, told the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper.

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