Benfica comes out in defense of Jorge Jesús in response to the journalist – Benfica


Benfica came out on Wednesday in defense of Jorge Jesús before the controversy created by the response that the Benfica coach gave the Sport TV journalist at the end of the match with Marítimo.

We recall that the frontality of Jorge Jesús has been known for many years and that, even in the answer in question, the terms he used to counter the opinion disguised as a question were not new, having resorted to them in various situations and circumstances in the past , begins by saying the Clube da Luz in the daily bulletin.

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And he continues: “As far as we know, there is no evidence that statements or responses with the same tenor as Jorge Jesús have been interpreted, in the past, as arguments directed specifically at men. It would be offensive to thousands of people. women who exercise the profession of journalist who, with condescension or paternalism, came to exist a different and separate type of response for their gender ”.

Benfica adds, considering “unworthy and ridiculous it was to see the CNID rise in this supposed case.”

Benfica News

“After the victory over Marítimo, by 1-2, in Barreiros, in which our team showed quality and career and deserved, without dispute, to add the three points, we witnessed a pointless controversy, for which Once again patents the unlimited creativity of those who attempt to systematically attack Benfica and its representatives or professionals.

This time, a response from Jorge Jesús to a question posed in the post-match quick interview served as inspiration for a list of insidious considerations about our manager.

We recall that Jorge Jesús’ frontality has been known for many years and that, even in the answer in question, the terms he used to counter the opinion disguised as a question were not new, having resorted to them in various situations and circumstances. in the past.

To our knowledge, there is no evidence that statements or responses with the same tenor as Jorge Jesús have been interpreted, in the past, as a specific deal with men.

Rather, it would be an offense to the thousands of women who practice the profession of journalist who, with condescension or paternalism, would have a different and separate response for their gender.

And it must be said that it was unworthy and ridiculous to see the CNID rise up in this supposed case, in striking contrast to its submissive and cowardly silence in so many situations that occur with other coaches and, mainly, regarding the threats that so many journalists make. they have suffered and will continue to suffer from elements related to our rival.

In terms of hypocrisy, we all happily pretend that we do not know that the president of the CNID, Manuel Queiroz, is a fervent supporter and undisputed ally of FC Porto ”.
