Government refuses to meet with businessmen on hunger strike



The Executive says that he only speaks with AHRESP. The Pão e Água Movement launches a petition to be heard. Strikers with extreme weakness and dizziness.

The Government will not receive the group of nine businessmen from the catering and nightlife sectors, who have been on a hunger strike before the Assembly of the Republic since Friday. The António Costa executive informed the A Pão e Água movement that he does not meet with people individually, holding conversations about the crisis that these sectors are going through with the Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Similar of Portugal (AHRESP).
However, the oi knows that the members of the movement consider that AHRESP is not doing everything in its power to respond to the demands of the businessmen and, therefore, launched, in response to the government’s communication, a petition which requires an immediate audience with the Prime Minister or with the Minister of Economy, Pedro Siza Vieira. “Minister, what we ask is that you look at us. To listen to us. Let us be part of the solution and do not leave ourselves behind, as a problem ”, reads the text that, at the end of this edition, had already collected around 20 thousand signatures.
José i Gouveia, one of the spokespersons for the group – along with Lujobomir Stanisic – assures that “the hunger strike will continue” until a favorable response from the Government arises. “This fight is no longer a sector: restaurants, bars or discos … We are here for the entire economy, for its reopening. The truth is that if this continues, everything will go down the drain, “he says.
And if all this does not work, he knows that there are members of the movement willing to intensify the fight. In several messages exchanged by WhatsApp, to which he had access, the possibility of hardening the protests was even put on the table.

Support for

There were several media outlets that, throughout the day, addressed messages of support to the protesters (the presenter João Baião even sent a video to give “strength” to those who have been sleeping at the door of Parliament).
Right now, the strikers have been fasting for more than three days. Despite the permanent medical monitoring, the first physical signs of concern begin to be felt. In addition to the psychological pressure, the nine protesters experience extreme weakness and dizziness, which is normal given that since Friday they have only resisted water, tea and coffee.
