The number of active cases in the municipality of Braga decreases


Six million euros in two years in the fight against the pandemic. The municipality of Braga has spent 3.5 million euros this year on actions to combat the covid-19 pandemic and will invest 2.5 million euros in 2021, its president, Ricardo Rio, told O MINHO.

The mayor highlighted that this amount corresponds to direct support to institutions and citizens, as is the case in the social area, and indirectly due to voluntary breakdown of income in municipal taxes and fees, to support companies.

Braga’s plan and budget for 2021 – he added – includes 2.5 million for the same purpose, in a total volume of 133 million, about 12 more than the previous year.

Braga approves 133 million budget with opposition votes against

The document, approved on Monday in an executive meeting by the majority of the PSD / CDS, with the opposition, PS and CDU voting against, highlights that “Braga has always been at the forefront of this fight, with wide-ranging measures, either financial aid or cooperation with other entities, public or private ”.

“In terms of support to citizens, we will continue to support the installation of the Covid-19 Screening Center in Altice Forum Braga, in coordination with the Northern Health Administration (ARSN),” he adds, noting that this center has been fundamental to citizens have a faster response ”.

Health partner

As happened in 2020, – the Plan also underlines – “we will be an active partner of the health authorities and whenever necessary, we will intervene directly, as happened when the municipality assumed the costs of monitoring all users and professionals of nursing homes . ”. And he adds: “In alliance with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Minho and the Municipality of Guimarães, we will continue to provide the Covid-19 Psychological Support Line to our citizens.”

And continuing, the document emphasizes that “municipal services will also be available to society to mitigate the dangers caused by the pandemic. In terms of support for the neediest citizens, we will be able to reactivate the 60+ Support Line, in case a new period of confinement is necessary. This free telephone line was used to help the elderly, in situations of isolation or vulnerability, if they needed help with household chores or the purchase of basic necessities ”.

Without jacket

The municipality also considers “activating, in alliance with Social Security and the Red Cross, a Concentration and Reception Area for People in Situation of Helplessness. Another type of more direct support to populations, such as free transportation in TUBs during the initial phase of the pandemic, or with discounts on AGERE fares, may return. Everything will depend on the evolution of the disease.
