MEP near Órban resigns after being caught in orgy | Belgium


Sunday’s resignation was a surprise. In the letter to the president of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, József Szájer said he was “tired” of politics and guaranteed that the decision was not linked to the current debate in the European Union, where his Hungary is blocking the recovery fund of 750,000 million . euros. And it was not: this Tuesday, after the first news in the Belgian newspapers, the MEP, founder of the ultra-conservative party Fidesz, admitted to having been at the Brussels party that the police and media They describe it as “an orgy” involving diplomats, “mostly men,” and where drugs were found.

“The news in the Belgian press refers to a private party in Brussels on Friday. I was there ”, begins the statement from the ally of Victor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary. “After the police asked me for identification, since I did not have an identity card, I declared that I am a member of the European Parliament,” he describes.

“He did not use drugs. I offered to do a quick test but they didn’t want to. According to the police, ecstasy pills were found, but they are not mine and I do not know who placed them or how, ”he adds. Szájer found it difficult not to refer to the drugs, as police say he found them in his backpack.

Police were called in due to the noise and suspicion of an illegal party given the rules imposed by the covid-19 pandemic in Brussels, which include a curfew between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. and the ban of social gatherings in closed spaces. Now at the party, which according to the flamenco newspaper The newspaper, took place on the first floor of a bar gay on Rue des Pierres, almost in front of a police station, “the police found 25 people, almost all naked, involved in an orgy.” According to the same newspaper, the MEP “will have tried to escape by a ditch” and, “once arrested, he invoked his immunity.”

Most of the reports and police statements do not identify those present, always referring to “several diplomats” and “one MEP”.

“Fleeing down the gutter”

But in a statement sent to the Euronews channel, the Belgian Prosecutor’s Office describes how a person passing by on the street “told the police that he had seen a man flee down the gutter”. “This man’s hands were bloody. It is possible that he was injured while fleeing. Narcotics were found in your backpack, ”the text continues. Lacking documents, “he was accompanied to his residence where he identified himself as SJ (1961) by means of a diplomatic passport.” József Szájer was born in 1961.

“I deeply regret having violated the COVID restrictions, it was irresponsible on my part,” Szájer says in his statement, specifying that he will pay “the applicable fine.” All those present will be fined. “With my resignation I drew political and personal conclusions,” he says. “I apologize to my family, my colleagues, my voters. I ask you to evaluate my misstep in the context of my 30 years of devoted and hard work, “he adds, before emphasizing that this” misstep “only blames him and asks him not to confuse his behavior with that of his country. or its “political community.”

Szájer is not only an MEP and a founding member of Fidesz, Prime Minister Orbán’s party that openly opposes equal rights for LGBT people and now seeks to ban adoption by gay couples. Szájer, who before being an MEP was the party leader in the Hungarian Parliament, personally wrote the 2011 Constitution which says that “Hungary will protect the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.”
