Fallen trees, broken roof tiles and destroyed structures: Azores affected by bad weather – Climate


The bad weather in the Azores has already caused nine incidents since the early hours of today, mainly on the islands of São Miguel and Terceira, most of which fall from trees, a source from Civil Protection told Lusa.

The same source added that the situations that occurred on the island of São Miguel were recorded in the “municipalities of Ribeira Grande, Povoação and Ponta Delgada”, that is, “tree falls” and damage to “roof tiles of a house”, and added that, in the municipality of En Ribeira Grande, “a road had to be cleared”, while in Ponta Delgada, and due to the wind, “the roof of a swimming pool” ended up “colliding with two streetlights.

There is also evidence of the fall of a tree on the island of São Jorge.

The Regional Service of Civil Protection and Firefighters of the Azores also added that the area of ​​Poços de São Vicente Ferreira, in the municipality of Ponta Delgada, “is prohibited as a precaution, according to a decision of the Municipal Civil Protection Service”, since it is one across the coast.

In the places to resolve the facts, “firefighters, elements of the Municipal Civil Protection Services and the Regional Directorate of Public Works” have appeared, according to the Civil Protection of the Azores.

The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) issued yellow and orange warnings for seven of the nine islands of the Azores, due to forecasts of increased wind intensity and sea agitation.

On the islands of São Miguel and Santa María (eastern group), an orange warning is active until 3:00 p.m. today, which indicates a moderate to high meteorological situation, due to the agitation of the sea, with waves that can reach the eight meters. .

São Miguel and Santa María, however, will be under yellow weather alert until 00:00 on Monday, due to the agitation of the wind and the sea with waves that can be between six and seven meters.

For the islands of the central group (Terceira, Pico, São Jorge, Graciosa and Faial), the yellow warning, due to wind forecasts, will be extended until 3:00 p.m. today.

Those five islands of the central group will also be under yellow alert due to the forecast of maritime disturbances, with waves from the north, from six to seven meters, passing through the northeast, until 20:00 today.

The yellow warning reveals a risk situation for certain activities depending on the weather situation.

Strong winds destroyed the Ponta Delgada Christmas tree
The traditional Christmas tree, which is assembled annually in Ponta Delgada, in the Azores, “was destroyed last night” due to the strong winds that occurred in the largest city in the Azores, without, however, causing personal injury .

“The Christmas tree placed on Avenida Infante D. Henrique in front of Praça Gonçalo Velho was destroyed tonight by the strong winds that hit Ponta Delgada. There was no personal or material damage from the incident, except for the stairs leading to the Portas do Mar ”, on the outskirts of the city of Ponta Delgada, the municipality reported today, in a note sent to the newsrooms.

The tree in question is 17 meters long and this is the third year that the structure has been assembled in the same place, as an integral part of the Ponta Delgada Christmas decoration.

The Ponta Delgada City Council says that “since then the structure of the site has been removed until the weather conditions allow it to be safely restored”, adding that “the City Council immediately requested reports of the incident from the responsible company and the Civil Protection services “.
