″ Turf? The field here is not easy, it is heavy and it is beautiful ″




Statements by Sérgio Conceição after the victory against Santa Clara (0-1).

Vítor Pereira: “I want, for my part, to send a very strong and strong hug to the family of Vítor Oliveira. A fantastic character in our football, a man with whom, from time to time, I had the pleasure of talking. A frontal man , honest, a great professional and a man. It has been a difficult day for us. My big hug to the whole family “.

Game: “It was a difficult game, with the wind complicating the quality and dynamics of the game. Heavy terrain and little recovery time on our part. I know that it cannot be an excuse because we have players who were not used in Marseille and that today they were not used, but it would also give a good answer if they were called ”.

Grass: “The field here is not easy. It is heavy. It is beautiful. It is a field that, throughout the game, tires more than, perhaps, other types of grass and it also has to do with it. We must not forget that we have 60 hours of rest, which is not easy. It is always very difficult to play here, so it is a tasty triumph for us. “
