Most Portuguese agree to restrictions during Christmas and New Years – News


The survey, developed by Aximage for Jornal de Notícias and TSF, leaves little doubt. The majority of Portuguese respondents agreed with the possibility of imposing restrictions that make travel and family reunions difficult at Christmas (71%), increasing this percentage even more for the New Year (78%), if the number of cases continues being high for the next few days.

However, there are some groups especially in favor of these measures: according to the survey, 82% of respondents aged 65 and over agree with the Christmas restrictions, and 75% of the inhabitants of the northern region also support these limitations. For the New Year, the approval rate goes up even more, being 90% for the elderly and 87% for the North.

By contrast, only one in five Portuguese reject such measures for Christmas, falling to 15% of those surveyed in the case of the New Year. Regarding rejections, the greatest resistance stands out in the age group between 18 and 34 years (27%) and among those living in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (25%).

In addition, the survey also found favorable positions for the state of emergency (67%), the prohibition to leave the municipality of residence (57%) and the curfew (67%) on the two long weekends in December.
