He went for coffee in Braga when he was supposed to be isolated. He was arrested by the GNR


The Agere and Braval companies signed this Friday, in Braga, at the Altice Forum, an agreement with the Union of Workers of the Local Administration (STAL) and the Union of Workers of the Public Administration and Entities with Public Purposes (SINTAP), which Employees’ normal working hours are 35 hours a week, with a base salary of 655 euros. In the case of Braval, 42 subcontracted employees will join the company. This agreement includes a forecast increase in costs of 1 million euros in AGERE and 350,000 euros in Braval.

The event was attended by the mayor of Braga, Ricardo Rio, the administrators of Agere, a water and waste company in Braga, Braval, a company that values ​​and treats solid waste in Baixo Cávado, and representatives of the unions mentioned above.

The agreement is valid for two years and takes effect on the fifth day after its publication. Except for the remuneration table that comes into force on July 1 of this year, that is, workers will receive half a year retroactively, and for both companies the amount of 655 euros was defined as the base salary.

The agreement stipulates that the normal work period is 35 hours for all workers.

Specific working conditions were created that will allow, in duly substantiated situations, to advance or postpone the normal daily work period up to two hours and, on the other hand, for periods that never exceed one work week, the normal daily work period may be increased to a maximum of two hours during festive seasons or when events take place in the different municipalities for which it is necessary to guarantee hygiene, maintenance or mobility conditions in extraordinary conditions.

42 workers integrated into Braval’s workforce

The annual vacation period has a minimum duration of twenty-two business days, to which is added one business day for every ten years of service.

The length of the vacation period can also be increased with performance reward systems, through positive evaluation, by 1 or 2 days.

In addition to legally mandatory holidays, municipal holidays and Shrove Tuesday are also considered, so it is no longer considered tolerance.

The business day prior to December 25 will also automatically be considered a tolerance point; the business day prior to January 1; and Easter Monday.

In relation to absences, in addition to legal absences, previously authorized absences, in the case of workers who are volunteer firefighters, now count as justified by the time necessary to attend a claim or accident. Absences for blood donation reasons will also be justified.

There is a specific chapter in the agreement for Equality and non-discrimination, which regulates the right to equal access to employment and work, the prohibition of discrimination, compensation for discriminatory acts and the prohibition of harassment.

Regarding remuneration, Braval created a waste classification subsidy: workers will be entitled to a subsidy of 0.40 euros for each hour of service actually provided. A specific prevention provision was also created for workers in the biogas and information technology area when they are expected to do so at 0.25 euros per hour.

In the payment of overtime hours, 25% falls for the first hour or fraction thereof and now all are paid at 37.5% per hour or later fraction, on a normal working day.

At Agere, a mechanism has been established for the distribution of the results of the company of all employees, the base calculation of which begins with the net result for the year of a value equal to or greater than four million euros.

At Braval, the approximately 42 employees who worked by subcontracting a temporary work agency will join the company’s workforce.

The expected economic impacts are one million euros in Agere and 350 thousand in Braval.

“The most important capital is our human resources”

“But there will be no greater impact than expected by the increase in the motivation of our employees, since we were able to quickly achieve what many promised in the past, but we could not achieve,” says, in statements to O MINHO, the president of the two companies, Rui Morais.

“It remains for me, therefore, to thank, on behalf of the two boards of directors, the shareholders, that is, the six presidents of the chamber that make up the Cavado Bajo, Amares, Braga, Póvoa de Lanhoso, Terras de Bouro, Vieira do Minho and Vila Verde as well as private shareholders, on the one hand for creating the necessary conditions for the negotiations to take place and on the other hand for the necessary impulse to close them ”, declares the official, thanking“ the two union structures for the good the way the negotiations were conducted. ”.

“Strong defenders of the interests of workers, but always aware of the need to reach a consensus to bring this ‘company’ to fruition,” emphasized Rui Morais.

The official considers that “the bets of recent years have placed Agere and Braval in the first places of national and European companies” and they will continue to serve the region “with the highest quality and excellence.”

“But the investment cannot, and it is not done only in material terms. There is an important capital, I would say more, fundamental for this strategy to be successful. That capital is our Human Resources, ”he reinforces, lamenting the blockade of“ successive State Budgets, which practically froze all monetary updates to 100%, benefiting only from the update of the minimum wage ”.

“We could not fail to take advantage of the legal opening of the possibility of updating through agreements with workers’ representatives,” he considers, realizing that this process began in 2019 “with total openness of all parties (Agere, Braval , SINTAP and STAL) and, despite the pandemic, the negotiations were never suspended ”.
