Council of Ministers: Fines for the use of mobile phones while driving will be increased by 100% – News


Changes to the Highway Code

In the information session after the Council of Ministers, the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, said that a decree-law was approved that modified the Traffic Code.

The diploma aims to respond to the increasing level of demand for the objectives of promoting road safety and reducing accidents. The Secretary of State for Internal Administration, Patrícia Gaspar, said that the decree includes “strengthen road safety“and a” strengthening of the application. “

In this sense, cell phone use while you drive you will have a fine between 250 and 1250 euros, according to the amendments to the Highway Code approved today by the Council of Ministers.

“What is planned is that those who are at the level of 120 euros can go to 250 [euros] and those that were at the level of 600 to 1250 euros ”, said the Secretary of State for Internal Administration, so the increase is around 100%.

The government also approved changes that clarify the places where motorhomes can stay overnight and dock. Patrícia Gaspar stressed that the new changes indicate, in practice, the places where motorhomes can do this, highlighting that parking “is something else”.

According to the governor, board and overnight stays are only allowed in areas previously designated for the purpose, which excludes all others that are not mentioned in the diploma.

Patrícia Gaspar also added that, for those who disrespect, the fines imposed so far “for improper parking and other irregularities in the Highway Code” remain.

The practice of camping or caravanning outside the enclosure, as well as any form of overnight stay, constitutes an environmental offense and is sanctioned with a fine of between 200 and 36,000 euros, the GNR reported.

The parking of vehicles, whether light vehicles or motorhomes, the lack of respect for the traffic signs of prohibited parking and prohibited parking and stop, constitutes a traffic offense, in the terms of the Traffic Code combined with the Traffic Light Regulations, punishable with a fine of between 60 and 300 euros.

Business support

Regarding support for progressive resumption, the Minister of State and of the Presidency said that the decree-law was approved that alters the extraordinary support for the progressive resumption of activity in companies in a situation of business crisis, beginning to allow, during the month of December, the passage of companies for the support step immediately after the billing limit for which they would be covered by the current regime.

According to the official, the companies that requested this support saw their activity impacted by new restrictive measures to curb the possibility of contagion by covid-19.

“If new measures are introduced, the number of hours worked is reduced. What we do here is allow, in December, to go to a higher level, “he said.

As exemplified by Mariana Vieira da Silva, it is assumed that a “company that presented a drop of 60%”, given the new restrictions, will see the impact aggravated, moving to the “next support”.

Support for the resumption of activity came into force in August and replaced the simplified ‘dismissal’, and in October the Government reformulated the measure to cover a greater number of situations, namely, companies with annual revenue breaks between 25% and 40%, as well as companies with a drop in sales of over 75%, which can now reduce the working day to 100%.

The Council of Ministers also approved today “the extension of the maximum duration of the execution of Adapt projects six to nine months from the date of notification of the favorable decision, ”he announced.

According to the minister, the possibility of executing the works to be carried out, within the framework of this adaptation process, will be completed in March of next year. “Evolution itself [da pandemia e das restrições] It means that the works planned until the end of the year have not been completed ”, he explained.

The Adapt program is designed to help micro, small and medium-sized businesses convert establishments and working methods to remote conditions, complying with established standards.

Excused absences

According to the statement from the Council of Ministers this Friday, it was clarified “that the absences are urgent assistance to a child or other dependent dependent under 12 years of age, or, regardless of age, with a disability or chronic illness, resulting from the suspension of academic and non-academic activities “.

It is also mentioned that “the possibility is provided for the worker to alternatively schedule a vacation on those days, without the need to agree with the employer, through written communication.”

Children’s rights

The National Strategy for the Rights of the Child for the period 2021-2024, which “is based on the definition of a comprehensive and comprehensive vision that aims to contribute to the construction of the foundations of a new planning cycle in matters of childhood and youth.”

“Five great pillars” are at stake, according to the statement issued at the end of the Council of Ministers:

  • Promote well-being and equal opportunities for all children and youth;
  • Support families and parenting;
  • Promote access to information and participation of children and youth;
  • Prevent and combat violence against children and young people;
  • Promote the production of instruments and scientific knowledge that promote a global vision of the rights of children and youth.
