SIC News | The vaccination groups against Covid-19 are defined


Covid-19 vaccination criteria have been completed. The first group to benefit from the vaccine will be people between the ages of 50 and 75 with a very serious illness.

The technical committee on vaccination concluded the document that identifies the priority groups for the vaccine. The document has already been delivered to the Ministry of Health and to the working group that will plan the vaccination campaign.

Who is part of the first group

All people between 50 and 75 years old and who have a serious illness will be the first to be vaccinated against Covid-19. They are part of the first group of vaccination, which also includes nursing home users and employees.

For now, the commission did not include people over 75 years old in priority groups, because neither vaccine-producing pharmacists nor the European Medicines Agency have yet presented scientific evidence of the effectiveness of vaccines in this group.

From what SIC found, in this first vaccination group there are also front-line health professionalsIn other words, they work in intensive care units and wards where infected patients are hospitalized.

Second group

The second tranche of vaccines will be for people between 50 and 75 years old with risky but less serious diseases. All other healthcare professionals should join this group, which also includes other institutionalized people.

The division into groups is related to logistical issues, but mainly because the countries will receive the vaccines by tranches. And as with other vaccination programs, the work of the national technical commission may be updated as more information becomes available on the efficacy and safety of each vaccine.
