Cristina Ferreira is a taboo subject in the SIC and has even been eliminated from César Mourão’s program – a Ferver


The departure of Cristina Ferreira from the SIC left a deep pain in the top executives of the channel, who prevented employees from mentioning her name in public. The most striking case of the imposition occurred during the ‘Júlia’ program.

During the conversation with Diana Chaves and João Baião, Júlia Pinheiro ran them over several times to prevent them from speaking on behalf of the new TVI shareholder.

“I was in Monte Gordo and I had just seen the news [da saída de Cristina Ferreira da SIC] In Internet “, began by mentioning the beauty of the morning of SIC. “The absence of someone and that it was necessary to move to another solution”interrupted the veteran.

João Baião was also run over. “Suddenly, I get a message from Daniel that says, ‘I need you in the morning. I can count on you?’. And I: ‘Sure’ (…) I had done the mornings for three days… “the presenter recalled. “With the previous owner of the house “, the afternoon hostess reinforced again.

A tense moment occurred during a conversation with Júlia Pinheiro.

But it was not the only case. The most striking thing was during the repetition of the special New Year’s Eve program ‘Terra Nossa’, by César Mourão. All references to Cristina Ferreira have been removed.

The “outages” were noticed by some viewers who made the necessary repairs to SIC’s digital platforms.

Remember, Cristina Ferreira broke the exclusive contract with the Pinto Balsemão station on July 17 by announcing her return to TVI. He is dealing with the Justice to escape the compensation of 20 million euros demanded by the owners of SIC.
