PJ searches Braga, Barcelos, Famalicão and Fafe for fraud with European funds


Suspicions of a fraud of 2.5 million euros in obtaining European funds have caused today 70 searches in the North region and the constitution of 51 defendants, indicated the Directorate of the Judicial Police (PJ) in Porto. In addition to Braga and Fafe, searches are also being carried out in Barcelos and Famalicão in the Miño region.

The defendants are 31 natural persons and 20 legal persons.

“At stake are the crimes of fraud in obtaining subsidies and tax fraud, in terms of European funds, involving 21 incentive projects, within the scope of the Community Framework, the QREN (National Strategic Reference Framework) and MODCOM (Modernization del Comercio)), worth more than 2,500,000 euros, ”the PJ reported in a statement.

In addition to the PJ, the operation, codenamed “Chave Mestra”, involves the Tax Authority and is the subject of a criminal investigation by the Public Ministry – Department of Investigation and Criminal Action of Porto.

The raids, both domiciliary and non-domiciliary, were carried out in Chaves, Vila Real, Barcelos, Braga, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Maia, Fafe, Porto and Figueira da Foz.

The 70 records were divided into residences, businesses, including accounting offices, and a law firm, “allowing the relevant evidence to be captured.”

200 members of the PJ participated in the operation, including elements of computer and financial expertise, as well as prosecutors and judicial and prosecutors.

The PJ will provide additional clarifications on the operation at 4:00 p.m. at its facilities in Porto
