Active cases ‘shoot’ in Viana, Valença, Monção and Ponte da Barca


Gaspar Martins, former vice president of the Municipality of Ponte de Lima, will run for president through an independent movement. With 20 years of municipal experience, he considers that the municipality “is not following the correct path” and is confident that it will win in the municipalities next year. The VIRAMILHO movement will not present lists in the parishes.

“What is verified in this last legislature is a growing malaise with the way the municipality is managed”, justifies Gaspar Martins, in statements to O MINHO, why he should proceed with the independent candidacy, who was a councilor for 20 years, of which the last 12 vice-presidents. He completed his last term in 2017, and then the vice-presidency was held by his daughter Mecia Martins.

“People understand that for 20 years I contributed a lot to that stability, they understand that I have something to say. I also understand that the municipality is not following the correct path and that is why I also have the obligation to participate as a citizen ”, underlines the former number two of Víctor Mendes.

Gaspar Martins will lead the candidacy of VIRAMILHO – Valuing Suitability, Respect and Authority, through the Independent Movement of Historically Audacious Limianos. Its number two will be Nuno Amorim, an engineer, who for more than three decades was head of the works and urban planning division in the Limian municipality.

“We have put together a working group, with specialists, each one in their own areas, to try to do better, or at least give Limianos the opportunity, in case they do not see themselves in the situation in which we find ourselves, to be able to choose, ”says Gaspar Martins, making sure the goal is to win the camera.

We are convinced that we will win the Chamber ”, he reinforces. “In any case, I am a Democrat and I understand that this will is in the hands of the people. If people understand that our team deserves that I be mayor, people will legitimize that I am; if people understand that whoever is doing is okay, we will respect that will, ”he adds.

VIRAMILHO will only present lists to the City Council and the Municipal Assembly, and in this case, only because the electoral law requires it so that the candidacy has the right to airtime.

As for the parish councils, “from the first hour” the movement “understood that it cannot and should not compete”. This is because, during the 20 years that he was in the chamber, Gaspar Martins invited or participated in the team that invited the presidents of the board, “most of them are still elected today.”

“We support the [presidentes de junta] that people choose. And, furthermore, I do not know of any general malaise in any parish ”, underlines the announced candidate, guaranteeing that this factor will not serve as an excuse if the movement is not successful.

“The people are sovereign and their decision is wise. Not having lists in the parishes will not hurt the candidacy to the council. If we are not winners, in no way will we pretend to say that we did not win because we did not present applications to the boards, “he concludes.

Ponte de Lima has been governed by the CDS since 1976. Víctor Mendes, the current mayor, cannot run again due to the limitation of three terms.
