The abstention of the PCP makes the State budget for 2021 feasible


Abstaining from the PCP is a decisive step to ensure the viability of the State Budgets for 2021. Hours before the declaration of the communist parliamentary leader, the Left Bloc confirmed that it will maintain the vote against.

“As we have emphasized from the beginning, both the budget proposal and the Government’s options that go beyond the budget, do not correspond to the demands made on the country”said João Oliveira at a press conference in Parliament, on the eve of the final global vote.

“The PS options did not allow the budget to adapt to the set of measures that were most required worldwide. The realization that many of the problems that mark national life cannot be solved in the final version of the State budget for 2021 is the most visible consequence of a path of discussion marked by the limitations derived from the options of the Government and the PS ”, he stressed. It is an abstention that guarantees “important proposals and solutions for which” the PCP highlighted, with “translation into the lives of workers and the people,” but it also translates “a departure from the options and criteria assumed by the Government” with the who does not agree, added João Oliveira.

Although they do not fully correspond to what the PCP advocated for the Budget, the eight proposals accepted by the PS Government allow “a more effective response to the multiple problems that the situation” poses in the country and “pave the way for let many others remain unanswered, ”said the communist leader.

Included in the final version of the State Budgets, namely, the “guarantee of the payment of wages in full to all workers, providing support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises for this purpose; increase of ten euros as of January 1 in all pensions and pensions up to 658 euros; extension of unemployment benefit for six months when the period of its grant ends in 2021; termination of the supplement for unhealthy and painful conditions that also covers workers in the public business sector and the extension of the extraordinary risk supplement to workers in other essential services sectors; measures to strengthen the NHS; suspension of payment on account for micro, small and medium enterprises; creation of a support program for artistic and cultural work aimed at generating the conditions that allow the resumption of these activities together with the reinforcement of funds to support the arts and the hiring of 5,000 assistants for schools and 2,500 professionals for the security forces and services “.

“There was no shortage of PCP proposals with solutions to national problems. What was lacking was the political will of the PS to embrace them in their entirety.João Oliveira concluded.

When asked if he had any cost estimates for the proposed amendments that the PCP was able to approve, João Oliveira replied that the investment figures are still being calculated with greater precision by the Government, but he considers that it will be “very significant” and will be around 40 percent of the initial proposal of 1600 million.

The resolutions were released on this day, which marked the last of four voting marathons in the Budget and Finance Committee. A few minutes later in the announcement of the PCP, the Ecologist Party “Os Verdes” (ENV) also announced that it will abstain in the final global vote.

BE, PSD, CDS, Liberal Initiative and Chega vote against and only the government party, PS, will vote in favor. It is still necessary to know the direction of the vote of the PAN, which will be announced at 9:30 am on Thursday, and of the unregistered deputies Joacine Katar Moreira and Cristina Rodrigues. If the PAN, which has three deputies, continues to abstain from the generality, the approval of the document will be sealed.
