European funds. Liberal proposal is saved by Joacine Katar Moreira and Cristina Rodrigues and generates negative coalition – Observer


The Liberal Initiative saw the approval of the proposal that establishes the “urgent and essential” creation of an “online public access portal” where all citizens “can monitor and control the entire process related to the implementation of European funds, in a transparent manner. and they allow easy data extraction ”. Only the Socialist Party voted against and only approved the votes in favor of Joacine Katar Moreira (ex Livre) and Cristina Rodrigues (ex PAN).

The measure had been rejected by the Budget and Finance Committee on Monday after a tie and, according to Parliament’s rules, after having upheld the result in a second vote, the proposal was not approved. At that time, PSD, BE, PAN, CDS, Chega and Iniciativa Liberal (108 votes in total) voted in favor, the PCP (10) abstained and the PS (108) voted against.

The proposal was then rescued for a vote in plenary on Tuesday (as well as several others), already counting on the votes of the Greens and the two non-registered deputies, who do not have a seat on the Budget and Finance committee.

And these new votes made the difference. The proposal had 110 deputies in favor, among them Joacine Katar Moreira and Cristina Rodrigues; the Greens abstained from the PCP (12 votes in total) and the 108 MPs from the PS were insufficient this time to stop the measure.

Initially, the president of the RA, Ferro Rodrigues, even said that the proposal had been (again) rejected, but the PSD deputy, Duarte Pacheco, drew attention to the overturn.

“Was it only the Socialist Party that voted against? If so, the proposal was approved, Mr. President, because there were 12 abstentions and 110 votes in favor, ”said the Social Democratic deputy. “You are absolutely right, Mr. Deputy,” replied Ferro Rodrigues. After all, it had even been approved.

This morning, in the presentation of the proposal to the plenary session, João Cotrim Figueiredo, sole deputy of the Liberal Initiative, even mentioned that the proposal was rejected “with the votes of the left-wing parties and with the incomprehensible abstention of the PSD”, but Parliament’s records show that the Social Democrats had already voted for the first time.

In turn, Andé Silva, from the PAN, stressed that the liberal proposal was redundant, taking into account that a similar initiative from his party had already been approved, with the favorable vote of the PS. The different socialist stance towards the two proposals was then noted by André Ventura, the only deputy from Chega.

OE2021. European Funds Transparency Portal approved
