Blockist Councilor Manuel Grilo promises “a couple of punches in these faces” when attacked on Facebook – Jornal Económico


The councilor of the Bloco de Esquerda in the Lisbon Chamber, Manuel Grilo, promised to “pay with a couple of fists on these violins” to the author of a Facebook post that asked “what is the current price to buy a councilor.” It was about sharing on the social network a piece of news from the magazine “Sábado” about an agreement between the PS and Bloco de Esquerda to enable a real estate project on the block of the old Swiss pastry shop, in Rossio and Figueira squares.

According to Luís Moreira, author of the Facebook post and chosen from the Left Block lists for the Areeiro parish assembly, the approval of the 10,000 square meter real estate project, with four commercial units and one service unit, made possible by the municipal assembly . On November 11, due to the abstention of Manuel Grilo, it did not take into account the commitment of 25% of the space to be allocated to housing. Something that led him to “congratulate BE and the councilor” and ask the “price” of this vote.

Manuel Grilo responded to the comment, writing that “these 25% are affordable income in private housing projects and not housing in any project”, and added: “As for my price, I am available to pay you with a couple of blows to these faces “.

According to Luís Moreira, the blocker councilor will then have deleted what he published, not before a screenshot was made that was shared on various social networks throughout this Monday. “Manuel Grilo deleted his comment on this publication of mine. But since he is not very smart, he did not think that I could have a copy of the screen, ”wrote the member of the Areeiro parish assembly.

Comment that councilman Manuel Grilo will have written and then deleted

Contacted by Jornal Economico, the councilor for the Bloco de Esquerda responded through his office, refusing to confirm whether he wrote and deleted the comment in which he promised “a couple of punches” and was considering suing the author of the comment for having put the su good name in question.

Early Monday night, Manuel Grilo took to social media to confirm that the incident occurred. “Three Mistakes: Responding to Hints, Hot, and Who Doesn’t Deserve an Answer. My comment was inappropriate and I deleted it before any reaction. I regret having written it, ”he wrote on his Facebook account, receiving the support of the Socialist deputy Porfírio Silva and the Socialist mayor José António Borges, president of the Alvalade City Council.

Primary school teacher Manuel Grilo has been a councilor of the Lisbon City Council since June 30, 2018, having replaced Ricardo Robles, head of the Left Block List in 2017 municipalities. , Robles resigned from his mandate after a journalistic investigation by Jornal Economico in which it was revealed that the blocker had bought a property in the Alfama neighborhood three years ago, together with his sister, for 347,000 euros in a social security auction, trying to sell for 5.7 million euros after making reforms and alienating the tenants.
