TQMT. The story of the man who died from his “love messages” graffiti – Observer


TQMT. I love you my everything (I love you, my everything). This is the acronym that a couple decided to choose as a way to express their love. And although the intention was originally romantic, the result was tragic. Iván Vaquero was killed by a 26-year-old man. The town where he lived was in shock.

Diana and Iván met five years ago in Velilla de San Antonio, a town near Madrid. They shared a love for nature and dogs, and Ivan adored Diana’s children. The acronym TQMT symbolized that love, having also been tattooed on the man’s chest, who also did some graffiti for various places. At some point they decided to go live outside the town, to a city.

The love story recently ended. Ivan returned to the town where he lived and stayed with his mother. Diana continued to live in the city, but came to town regularly. The man, who turned 39 this year, decided, given the end of the relationship, to paint “Ya no TQMT”, that is, no longer I love you my everything – in the building where Diana worked. But this acronym began to spread throughout the town, according to El País.

No one knew who the author of “Ya no TQMT” was and Velilla de San Antonio conspired about who was responsible. However, something must have changed. Iván repented and began to write “Yes TQMT” – if I love you my everything – and a series of insults to Diana’s ex-husband.

After a week of the first graffiti referring to the end of the relationship, on Friday, November 13, Iván went to look for food at a Japanese restaurant and saw a group of teenagers painting on what he had painted. The 39-year-old man attracted attention, but the boys decided to answer him. And a discussion began, which increased in tone.

A 26-year-old Argentine, Alberto J., got in the way, and the police still don’t know why. The 26-year-old man, a martial arts specialist, violently beat Ivan. And the blows hit the victim on the head. Brutally. The 39-year-old man died two days after arriving at the hospital. On Sunday 15 he was buried.

The killer showed no sign of guilt for what happened. A neighbor reported that he asked him, during the weekend, what had happened, to which Alberto replied that “he had no idea.”. He was arrested on Monday, November 16.

“They killed my cousin for writing love messages,” laments Ivan’s cousin. But the people still did not know the meaning of the initials. Days later, it was Diana who explained the matter and revealed the initials. He added: “My children and I are lost, without light. I have to guide them on their way, because Iván’s death will mark our lives forever ”.

In the town it is even considered that Ivan died from the graffiti of his love in recent days.
