DGS calls: physical contacts should be limited to the people you live with | Coronavirus


The Director General of Health again called on the Portuguese on Monday to reduce physical contacts to what is strictly necessary. Graça Freitas called for coexistence to be carried out only with family members or people who live in the same house.

“By living in the presence of relatives from other centers or with friends, the probability of contagion increases. We will make decisions: it is up to us to decide who we meet in person; and in these encounters it is also in our hands to protect and protect ourselves. There are alternatives to physical interaction ”, highlighted the Director General of Health.

He also reminded all those who were confined at home, either because they were infected or because they were in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, to comply with the measures of the General Directorate of Health on disinfection of equipment. and spaces at home, and not receiving visitors.

Measures for the PCP congress under study

The Communist Party Congress, which will take place between Friday and Sunday in Loures, once again drew attention during the press conference of the Directorate General of Health (DGS), and Graça Freitas said that the PCP’s health plan for The event is still under study.

“The DGS knew the documentation requested through the network of health authorities, that is, through the regional authority of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, and the proposal is under analysis,” said the Director General of Health.

Asked if the General Directorate of Health (DGS) has already thought about measures to face a possible spread of the virus during the Christmas period, Graça Freitas assured that the authorities are analyzing possible measures, but prefer to wait for the impact of the latest measures taken. .

“In general, citizens have contributed so that the epidemic is not even more out of control, and this is something very positive in our society. The epidemic is on the rise, but we must bear in mind that the level of growth has been more pronounced in the past. We are following the measures planned for Christmas and we hope that it will be possible to stop in some way the measures we have now, without the slowdown meaning any kind of relaxation, “said the Director General of Health.

This Sunday, Portugal registered 4,044 new SARS-CoV-2 infections and 74 deaths, according to the bulletin released on Monday by the General Directorate of Health. This figure represents a further decrease in the number of new cases from 19, after the 4,788 cases detected on Saturday (bulletin published Sunday).

3,908 people were recovered, a total of 176,827 since the start of the pandemic. Despite the high number of recoveries, there are more than 90 people hospitalized, compared to Friday’s data, putting the number of hospitalizations at 3,241. There was also an increase in the number of patients in intensive care units: there are now 498, seven more than the last day.
