Approval of the creation of 400 new intensive care beds


The creation of 400 new intensive care beds by the end of the first quarter of 2021, proposed by the ENP, was approved this Monday in the budget specialty, but the hiring of more health professionals was rejected. this network.

On the second day of voting in the specialty of State Budgets for 2021 (OE2021), the ENP proposal was partially approved to reinforce, at the end of the first quarter of 2021, the National Network of Hospital Specialty and Referral in Intensive Medicine.

Thus, with a negative coalition – only the PS voted against – “the creation of 400 new intensive care beds” was approved.

However, “the hiring of 50 doctors, 600 nurses and 200 operating assistants, by signing a contract for work in public functions for an indefinite period” was unsuccessful, due to the vote against the PS and the abstention of the PSD, CDS- PP and Initiative. Liberal.

A PS proposal was also approved by the Budget and Finance Committee so that, next year, the Government will create “five community mental health teams for children and adolescents, one for each region of continental Portugal, hiring for this a total up to 30 professionals “.

This proposal received the favorable vote of all the seats, with the exception of BE, which abstained.

The PSD saw, through another negative coalition (only the votes against the PS) approved, the proposal to extend “free pneumococcal vaccination to patients with chronic respiratory diseases, sharing it in process B (69%) for people from 65 years or more, as long as they are under medical prescription “.

The deputies also approved, despite the vote against the PS and the abstention of the Liberal Initiative, a proposal by the PCP for the free dispensing of “simple antipsychotic drugs, belonging to Group 2 – Central nervous system with reference 2.9.2. Antipsychotics. simple, for oral and intramuscular administration “.

“With this proposal, the PCP intends to increase the accessibility of users to therapy and, therefore, increase therapeutic adherence, which is essential for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with serious mental disorders”, justifies the part.

The Socialists saw a proposal approved that establishes that the State’s contribution to the price of thermal treatments prescribed in primary health care by the National Health Service “is valid during the year 2021 and is specified in a pilot project.”

This initiative was voted against by the Liberal Initiative, the PCP and Chega abstained and the other deputies voted in favor.

In this sense, the Assembly of the Republic also approved, only with the vote against the PS, a PSD proposal that provides that this co-payment regime will remain in force in 2021.
