Doctor “for Truth” publishes prescription for possible infected people to test negative for coronavirus – Observer


Without being able to “qualify a person who wants to distort the results and who could put third parties at risk”, Ricardo Mexia reminds that this attitude can be sanctioned by law. In fact, article 283 of the Penal Code establishes that a person who transmits a contagious disease, or the health professional who “provides inaccurate data or results”, and who “thus creates a danger to life or a serious danger to the physical integrity of others It is punishable by imprisonment from one to eight years”. Penalty that can be aggravated if it results in the death of a third party.

The European Convention on Human Rights provides for detention in these situations. “No one can be deprived of their liberty, except in the following cases and according to the legal procedure”, reads in article 5, which indicates as one of the cases, “if it is the legal detention of a person likely to spread a contagious disease “.

Teresa Leão asks for the individual responsibility of each one. “A person who has a positive test knows that he has to be isolated, he does not need a doctor to tell him that”says the public health doctor. If people hide the results or do not comply with the isolation, we will create “outbreaks that cannot be controlled”. And with the burden that the National Health Service already has, Carlos Martins considers it “a disrespect towards health professionals, who are trying to save lives and trying to minimize the damage ”.

I never thought of seeing my colleagues go against scientific truth.They contribute to generating confusion and bad behavior in people ”, confesses, discouraged, the doctor in General and Family Medicine, for whom the last months have been anguish when trying to show people the seriousness of the disease. For Ricardo Mexia, the attitude of a doctor who promotes a The solution to falsifying a test is “unacceptable”.. “Deontologically, it is very difficult to accept that a colleague is trying to do this, given the situation we find ourselves in.”

Maria Margarida Gomes de Oliveira is one of the six founders of the Doctors for Truth movement who have a process that takes place in the regional disciplinary councils of the Ordem dos Médicos (OM) for the ideas defended in the sphere of the movement, which contradict the measures to prevent and combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Another of the doctors, according to The Observer, is the neuroradiologist Gabriel Branco.

OR The observer knows that a complaint has been sent to the Medical College about the prescription for negative PCR tests, but the Order services have not received it yet. The president of the Southern Disciplinary Council of the Order of Physicians, Maria do Céu Machado, explained to the Observer that, if there are other complaints related to these doctors or the movement to which they are linked, they will be added to the existing cases because they are situations. similar or related.

Doctor Egas Moniz, who is against masks, passes statements to patients that they do not have to use them

The anesthesiologist was one of the protagonists of a TVI report on “the controversial group that disputes the dangers of Covid-19”, published last week. In addition, he has been a very active member of the movement, with frequent participation in the communication platform of the movement, with videos in the Facebook group or in the articles he writes for the movement’s blog – where defends, for example, that the second wave does not exist and that the illusion created is due to an excess of tests. An opinion that contrasts with the increase in the number of hospitalizations in nursing and intensive care, registered in recent weeks.

Maria de Oliveira too frequent and heated presence in demonstrations against the use of masks or other measures implemented by the government and the health authority. In one of the demonstrations, on a podium, while rejecting the use of masks, he said: “It’s like smokers, some end up with lung cancer. It is true. There are those who choose how they want to die ”.
