Region with 20 new positive cases in the last 24 hours


On the island of São Miguel, in the context of the transmission chain related to an entertainment establishment in Ponta Delgada, two positive cases were detected, referring to individuals of the female sex, between 40 and 55 years old, and a relationship between this chain and another already informed, which merges.

The epidemiological investigation related to a chain of transmission with a center in the municipality of Ribeira Grande revealed two positive cases, which report to male individuals, 31 and 46 years old.

During the epidemiological investigation of another chain of transmission on the island of São Miguel, two female individuals, aged 14 and 24, were diagnosed.

In the scope of two new transmission channels reported on Sunday, one focused on Lagoa and the other in Ponta Delgada, three positive cases were diagnosed, that is, in the chain referring to Lagoa, a 28-year-old man was diagnosed; and in the Ponta Delgada chain an 18-year-old woman and a 26-year-old man were diagnosed.

Also in the context of a new chain of transmission identified on Sunday, related to an association located in the municipality of Ponta Delgada, two positive cases were detected, one female and one male, both 30 years old.

As part of a transmission chain associated with a hotel establishment also in Ponta Delgada, a 68-year-old woman was diagnosed.

The Regional Health Authority also indicates that, after the diagnosis of a 13-year-old boy, a relationship was established between two chains of transmission, which merge.

New transmission chain in Ponta Delgada

A new chain of transmission was detected in Ponta Delgada, having diagnosed a 47-year-old man, close contact with high risk of a positive case reported on Sunday.

On the island of São Miguel, two women, aged 33 and 47, were also diagnosed as cases in epidemiological research.

On the island of Terceira, in the context of a chain of transmission centered in the municipality of Praia da Vitória and reported on November 17, two women aged 37 and 61 and a man aged 68 were diagnosed.

was also diagnosed a man of 50 years, the case is in epidemiological research.

ASR says that all contacts close to prisons and cases in epidemiological investigation have complied with prophylactic isolation since their identification by the Municipal Delegation of Health.

Azores with 25 active transmission chains

The Region has 25 active transmission chains, 18 on the island of São Miguel, five on the island of Terceira, one shared between the island of São Miguel and the island of São Jorge, and one on the island of São Jorge.

Two recoveries in the last 24 hours

Two recoveries were registered on the island of São Miguel, corresponding to two women, aged 15 and 16, bringing the total number of cases recovered in the Region to 394.

So far, 816 cases of infection by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus have been detected in the Region, with 394 recovered cases and 328 active positive cases at present, of which 257 on the island of São Miguel, 66 in the island of Terceira, two on the island of São Jorge and three on the island of Faial.

13 people are hospitalized, nine at the Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo in Ponta Delgada and four at the Hospital de Santo Espírito in Angra do Heroísmo.
