″ Marcelo was not public relations, he was the government’s advertising minister, ″ says the IL candidate for Belém


The presidential candidate supported by the Liberal Initiative, Tiago Mayan Gonçalves, accuses Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of not having been President of the Republic, but “minister of propaganda” of the Socialist Government, considering that this collaboration was “merely narcissistic” to achieve reelection.

In an interview with the Lusa agency, about four months after announcing his candidacy for the Belém Palace, supported by the Liberal Initiative -party of which he was founder and currently president of the Council of Jurisdiction- Tiago Mayan Gonçalves does not skimp on criticizing the current leader. of the Republic. “Marcelo was not president. Marcelo was the propaganda minister of this government and this is, from the beginning, the biggest criticism that I can make because this has been continuously demonstrated,” he says.

Marking a clear difference with the current head of state, the liberal candidate affirms that, “regardless of the right and the left,” he expects “voters who do not see themselves in this president, who has abdicated to exercise his mandate,” and see in his “a valid and moderate proposal”. “I am also a candidate against all types of extremism, of any spectrum and of any extreme in this spectrum of left / right,” he assures, answering that a good result “is to be able to transmit what a liberal president represents for the Portuguese.”

The liberal lists a long list of situations to support his criticism of the current president of the Republic, starting with the flu vaccine and going through the “narrative of the Portuguese miracle, the proclamation of football matches in the heart of Belém while they close flight channels for the country, the Pedrógão fire, the tragedy of the deaths in Lar de Reguengos e Tancos “.

“So many, so many examples where Marcelo, when he acts, acts to cover up or to distract and allow the Government to act without control and without the institutions working regularly,” he condemns.

For the 43-year-old Buenos Aires lawyer, this way of acting of the current head of state is guided “by a purely narcissistic and personal goal of wanting re-election” in next year’s presidential elections.

“Marcelo, what he did, from the first day he took office, was to stop being president and become a presidential candidate and the strategy for that was to collaborate with the Government, which was what it was at that time. If it were someone else, probably I would do the same, “he said.

From the perspective of Tiago Mayan Gonçalves, “the strategy was to be a collaborator with the government because it hoped to guarantee re-election.” “And not just a re-election because I think it was also within his dream to guarantee an apotheotic re-election. Here the pandemic ended up causing difficulties for that goal, but the goal of re-election still has it and, therefore, that was a strategy” . , justifies.

The announced liberal candidate sees other of his competitors in these elections “praising Marcelo’s presidential performance, but criticizing his style.” “I do precisely the opposite. What I criticize is the performance of Marcelo in his presidential functions. But the style, the approach, the dislike with the people, was important and that is what makes him so popular,” he considers.

When asked who is his great opponent in the presidential elections to which he is running, Tiago Mayan Gonçalves does not doubt it for a second: “It’s Marcelo, of course. He is the incumbent and I think he will be a candidate – although he still maintains the taboo – and it’s who I’m competing against. “

Regarding the name supported by Chega, André Ventura, the liberal points out that “apparently he is not a presidential candidate because he rarely talks about this aspect”, but makes it clear that he represents “diametrically opposed values ​​in practically everything.”

Tiago Mayan Gonçalves was a PSD activist – from where he still receives the bulletins in an email, but assures that “they go to spam, of course” – and is elected as a substitute by the Rui Moreira Movement to the Assembly of the Parish Union of Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde.
