Android banking Trojan steals data from Revolut and PayPal


With almost everyone in social isolation and many in psychological weakness, hackers have seized the moment to wreak havoc.

Once again, the target is Android users and, according to the information, this new banking Trojan manages to steal data from Revolut, PayPal and TransferWise.

EventBot: Android banking Trojan steals data from Revolut and PayPal

There is a new threat for those who have Android devices. It's called EventBot and it's the new banking Trojan capable of stealing data from various banking services. According to the Cybereason Nocturnus team of researchers, this Trojan can steal data from around 200 financial applications.

Stand out for services like Paypal Business, Revolut, Barclays, UniCredit, CapitalOne UK, HSBC UK, Santander UK, TransferWise, Coinbase, paysafecard and many others.

EventBot is a particularly interesting Trojan because it is still at an early stage. This new malware has enormous potential and could become the next big malware for mobile devices as it constantly improves.

EventBot: Android banking Trojan steals data from Revolut and PayPal

Once installed (through the app), by a careless user, or by a malicious person with physical access to the victim's phone, the malware silently obtains confidential data from the main physical services.

It should be noted that, with remote access to the computer, in addition to the service passwords, hackers can also obtain the code used to authenticate two factors, which is critical. This Trojan also works as a keylogger, recording everything that users write. You can also read notifications from other apps to find out what the victim is.

