US Abandoned Open Skies Treaty


“ORThe United States is no longer a party to the Open Skies Treaty, “reads the brief statement from the Department led by Mike. Pompey, about six months after outgoing President Donald Trump announced the decision to break the treaty, despite objections raised by European allies, who fear that the decision will lead Russia to also prohibit the overflow of its territory by the Baltic countries, useful to control movements.

This agreement of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), in force since 2002, allows its member states to fly over any part of the territory of the other participants, taking photos from the air, to ensure that their neighbors or rivals do not prepare for military attacks.

The argument presented by the United States for the withdrawal is that Russia prevents them from controlling their military exercises from the air and does not allow flights over regions where Moscow is believed to have nuclear weapons that can reach Europe, that is, in Kaliningrad and near the Georgian separatist regions of Abscias me Ossetia From the south.

The US secret services also believe that Russia may be using its flights over US territory to identify infrastructure that could be vulnerable to cyber attacks.

A reaction from Russia was immediate and arrived via Twitter by the Russian ambassador to international organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov.

“Starting today, United States They are no longer part of the Open Skies Treaty. Significant development. Let’s not forget that the participation of United States it was a precondition for the Treaty to enter into force. Now the question is what will Russia do? All options are open at this stage, “wrote the diplomat.

Germany also commented on the US exit from the international pact, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas, to regret “deeply” the withdrawal of United States. However, the leader of German diplomacysingle He stressed that the German position “on the treaty does not change” and remains committed to an agreement considered “essential.”

Heiko Maas He added that Germany also advocates a “comprehensive modernization of conventional arms control in Europe” and stresses that this requires “adaptation of the agreements multilateral “and” creating new mechanisms for building mutual trust “to be prepared for the challenges to peace and security in this century.

Although the presidency of the United States passes janeiro for Joe Biden, after the victory over Trump in the elections of November, it is not yet clear that the Democrat wants to return the country to the treaty.

On the other hand, the president-elect’s arms control priorities include extending the New Start nuclear weapons deal with Russia and salvaging the Nuclear Deal with Iran.

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