” Not pass “. Ventura promises that Chega will fight even ″ in hiding ″


The Chega leader dramatized his speech this Saturday in response to the socialist and mayor of Lisbon, Fernando Medina, who on Friday raised the possibility that the newly formed party could be outlawed.

“It is an affront never seen in democracy, typical of dictatorships, of a mayor with dictatorial tics, when the intention is to refer to the darkness which is, according to polls, the third or fourth Portuguese political force,” he said in statements to the Lusa Agency.

According to the only deputy of the national-populist party, “if Chega is outlawed, its supporters, militants and leaders will not magically disappear and will continue to fight in secret, against a system that has forgotten what democracy was.”

“The system needs to know this: we will not stop fighting even if they use the lowest weapons against us. To ban Chega is to send thousands of people to the clandestine struggle … And we are willing to do that! ”, He promised.

Ventura stressed that “they want to outlaw Chega to earn in the secretariat what they do not get at the polls.”

Fernando Medina, in an interview with The Observer, accused the PSD of contributing to the normalization of Chega, referring to the viability agreement of the Regional Government of the Azores and stated: “I admit that the issue of outlawing Chega will be raised.”
