What is twenty million for restaurants when Lisbon will pay 11 million for a digital Web Summit?



“To house 100,000 jobs, the chamber [de Lisboa] It spends twenty million euros, but paying an Irish company for a digital event the same camera pays 11 million ”, underlines Sofia Vala Rocha.

The question in the title is asked by the Social Democratic councilor Sofía Vala Rocha, who explains why the twenty million that Fernando Medina promised to support the restaurant sector, in the context of the economic crisis caused by the pandemic, are not so much money.

The PSD councilor in the Lisbon City Council draws attention to the fact that the Lisbon City Council pays 11 million, as contracted, for the Web Summit event, which this year because it is completely online will not bring more people to the country , or that is, there will be no direct investment in the Portuguese economy.
