PJ confirms arrest of the author of the shooting – DNOTICIAS.PT


The Judicial Police (PJ), through the Madeira Criminal Investigation Department, has just issued a statement confirming the arrest of the alleged perpetrator of the shots that caused one death and one injured, this morning of November 21, in the center of Funchal.

“The Judicial Police, through the Madeira Criminal Investigation Department, today arrested a 64-year-old man, strongly accused of committing a crime of qualified murder, a crime of homicide in the attempted form and a felony. Possession of a prohibited weapon “, it can be read in the report sent to the editorial offices.

The same note clarifies that “The suspect, after committing the crime, fled, being located and intercepted by the PSP of Funchal, these facts having been communicated to the Judicial Police, given the nature of the crimes in question.”

The PJ also highlights the “The collaboration of the PSP, whether to activate an extended device or to preserve evidence and support subsequent investigations, was essential to strongly indicate the circumstances of the crimes and allow the rapid presentation of the facts to the competent Judicial Authorities.”

The crime occurred at dawn on November 21 in the city of Funchal and the victims were hit by gunshots.

According to reports at the scene, the suspect arrived at the scene of the car crime, engaging in a heated exchange of words with two other individuals, which ended in gunfire.

The detainee will attend the first judicial interrogation today for the application of the coercive measures that are considered appropriate, the PJ also says.

The police surround the arteries of the center because an armed man is on the run

Erica Franco, Nélio Gomes, November 21, 2020 – 02:11

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