Legionella detected in Longa Vida cooling towers: the company says it has no information related to the outbreak


The health authorities detected the presence of legionella, on the 10th, in the cooling towers of the Longa Vida Distribution Center, in Perafita, municipality of Matosinhos (Porto), the dairy company reported today.

In a statement, Longa Vida, which had “preventively” closed the cooling towers due to an outbreak of Legionella, reports that the “results that have just been communicated this afternoon by the health authorities to Longa, indicate the presence of ‘Legionella Pneumophila ‘in the cooling towers of the Long Life Distribution Center in Perafita on November 10 ”.

However, the dairy company assures that “it has not received information on the correlation between the presence of this bacterium” in the cooling towers and the origin of the outbreak that hit the north of the country.

Legionnaires’ disease, caused by the bacteria ‘Legionella Pneumophila’, is contracted by inhaling contaminated water vapor droplets (aerosols) so small that they carry the bacteria to the lungs, depositing it in the lung alveoli.

According to the North Regional Health Administration (ARS), 85 people have been diagnosed with the disease since October 29, of which 14 remain hospitalized and nine have died.
