Jaime Marta Soares accused of embezzlement by the Public Ministry


The Public Ministry (MP) accused the president of the Portuguese Firefighters League, Jaime Marta Soares, of prevarication of holding public office, in 2013, when he was mayor of Vila Nova de Poiares, in Coimbra.

The events date back to the end of the municipal mandate of 2013, with the award of the imputed equipment supply contract, without any formalities, already in the middle of the limited management period of the municipal bodies, with adulteration of the dates of the contracts so far before the start. said period “, refers to a note published by the MP on its official website, this Friday.

According to the same note, in addition to Jaime Marta Soares, the Coimbra Regional Criminal Investigation and Action Directorate has also filed charges against a municipality employee and a partner of a company that supplies office supplies.

The three are accused by the MP of committing crimes of malpractice of a politician, economic participation in businesses and falsification of documents. The MP states that it was asked to lose benefits for the amount corresponding to the contract entered into.

The investigation, directed by the Public Ministry of the Regional DIAP of Coimbra, had the collaboration of the Coimbra Judicial Police.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, Jaime Marta Soares said he was surprised by the accusation and said that he had “a clear conscience.” The president of the Portuguese Firefighters League also stressed that he never did “anything without the law”.

“These contractual issues were handled by the services based on the deliberations of the Chamber,” he said, considering the accusation “absurd” and showing himself “available to provide all the necessary clarifications in this regard.”

It should be noted that Marta Soares was mayor of Vila Nova de Poiares between 1974 and 2013. Since 2011 she has presided over the Portuguese Firefighters League.
