All against the PS: more than a dozen ‘negative coalitions’ but the worst may be yet to come


How much? The accounts of the measures approved by the opposition this Friday against the PS have not yet been done, especially since there are three days left to vote. But the Government continues to run the risk of seeing the State Budgets for 2021 poorly characterized by not having a stable parliamentary majority. The so-called “negative coalitions”, after more than six hours of voting in the specialty, now total at least 13 measures, according to Expresso. If they distort the document or question the margin of safety of the Minister of Finance, only João Leão will be able to say so at the end of the marathons of the Parliamentary Committee on Budget and Finance that still lie ahead.

With more than 1,500 proposals to change the State Budget on the table (an absolute record), the Government has not yet faced measures that may have the greatest impact on its accounts: for example, the suspension of the Special Payment on Account, proposed by the PSD and that may count on the vote of the PCP, or the reduction of 50% of tolls in the old SCUT. The PS speaks of changes against the will of the Government, which can reach 3,000 million euros. This instability has already led former legislator and economist Paulo Trigo Pereira to tell Expresso that the discussion and preparation of the budget “is a mess” and that “the whole process had to be reviewed.

Thus, until now, the measures approved against the PS were the following:

Everything that escaped through the hands of the socialists

Municipal emergency fund – The vote had already ended, when the Left Bloc decided to rectify a vote and approve one of the PSD proposals: the authorization of spending for the Municipal Emergency Fund, which is used to grant financial aid when there is a declaration of calamity in the municipalities. The parties voted in favor of maintaining the value at 5.6 million euros, when the Government wanted to reduce that limit to 3 million euros.

Fishermen’s reforms – The creation of a special system for accounting for seniority for access to retirement for fishing professionals, proposed by the PSD, was approved with a new negative coalition against the PS. Thus, the Government must make the necessary legislative changes, “within 90 days after the entry into force” of the State Budgets (OE) for 2021.

Professional integration for the homeless – The PAN managed to include an article referring to the creation of a training and employment program, “designed specifically for homeless people and that promote their professional integration”. The PS voted against, but the proposal received the green light from the other parties.

Disclosure of audit results to Public-Private Associations promoted by municipalities – The Budget proposal has an article that obliges the Government to promote “the performance of an audit of the contracts signed by local authorities in an alliance between the public and private sectors that are in force.” The PAN managed to approve an addition, which has no additional costs: proceed to “publicize the respective results.

The management of the personnel of the regulatory bodies cannot be subject to the opinion of the Government. – Another PSD proposal was approved, in this case to change the framework law of regulatory entities. The proposal defines that these cannot be subject to captivity over the amounts of their own income or to the authorization of the Government to enter into contracts. The management of personnel, including the hiring of workers, cannot be subject to the opinion of the members of the Government.

Report on Higher Education Teachers – The Government is obliged to conduct a survey and report on the number of contracts for professors invited to teach higher education classes. This is because there may be “fake” guest professors as a way for universities and polytechnics to circumvent the law.

Captivations prohibited for the disabled in the armed forces – The Socialists voted against the PSD proposal, which clarified that “the funds destined for the disabled in the Armed Forces are exempt from any captivity or retention.”

Protective equipment for students – The opposition as a whole approved a measure for medical students: the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has to guarantee personal protective equipment to students when they are “necessary to carry out their curricular practices.”

The government must present the list of private organizations financed by the Budget – Another PAN proposal approved against the will of the PS and that does not overload the public purse: the Government must ensure public disclosure, with quarterly updates, of the list of financing through funds from the State Budget to foundations, associations and other private law entities, including national and foreign observatories that pursue their goals in national territory.

Reduction of airport charges in Madeira – The reduction of the airport fees charged at the Madeira and Porto Santo airports will advance next year, since the State Budget for 2021 obliges the Government to guarantee this reduction. The PS voted against this PCP proposal.

Mandatory review of the status of SEF staff – It is an old promise of the Government and the other parties want it to be fulfilled. With the abstention of the CDS and other favorable votes, the PSD managed to approve a proposal that provides for the Executive to complete, by June 2021, the revision of the Organic Law and the Staff Regulations of the Immigration and Border Service (SEF).

Guarantees the 458 million euro loan from Madeira – The Portuguese State is authorized to grant a loan guarantee of 458 million euros requested by the Autonomous Region of Madeira in the fight against the effects of covid-19.

Madeira and Azores student trips with maximum ceilings – At the proposal of the PCP, the Government undertakes to guarantee that the trips of students residing in Madeira have a maximum cost: the objective is that Madeiran students start paying a maximum of € 86 and € 65 and Azoreans between € 119 and € 89.
