Marcelo decrees a state of emergency and admits a third vacancy between January and February


The general secretary of the PCP today accused the president of the PSD of thinking that he discovered the “gunpowder” by criticizing the communist congress and said that he “would not like to return” at a time when party meetings were prohibited.

In statements to journalists on the sidelines of a meeting with the Portuguese Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Similar (AHRESP), Jerónimo de Sousa considered that Rui Rio is “in the center of attention, taking into account his position of placing the extreme -Correct “.

“As he has been criticized for this, he believes that he found here the discovery of gunpowder, attacking the PCP and its congress,” he said, indicating that the Social Democrat worried him by saying that “if it were, he would ban congress.”

“I do not even invoke the law, I do not even invoke the Constitution of the Republic, which prohibits any prohibition to the occurrence of events like this, which is the congress of the Portuguese Communist Party, and what shocks me is that I was a union leader before of April 25 and not only announced, they practiced the prohibition of general assemblies, of large perfectly democratic meetings. I would not like to go back to that time, ”Jerónimo de Sousa stressed.

Asked if the party already has a positive opinion from the General Directorate of Health for the congress, which will take place in a state of emergency due to the covid-19 pandemic, the leader replied that “it is already attended to with the health authorities” . and that “these conditions are created, with a lot of effort.”

Jerónimo de Sousa recalled that the number of delegates was reduced by half (about 600), that the great meeting will not have guests, and stressed that “absolute protection health measures” will be applied, such as social distance or the use of masks.

“These conditions are guaranteed”, which “gives a lot of work, is very demanding, but we are like that, we assume responsibility, we comply with it,” he stressed.

Jerónimo de Sousa also confirmed that the congress will take place on Fridays and Saturdays throughout the day, and on Sunday morning, and was convinced that the stipulated schedule “will be respected.”

On Wednesday, in an interview with TVI, the leader of the PSD was asked about the possibility of preventing the PCP congress, if he were the head of the Government, and he referred the solution of a possible conflict to the Prime Minister, António Costa, and for the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

In response, Rio stated that “obviously” he would try to impede the congress, adding that “the Government is saying that the rules are the same for everyone, except for the PCP”, which “can lead to something very dangerous that they are people”. lose respect for the government ”.

The following day, in an interview with the Lusa agency, the general secretary of the PCP criticized the “arrogance” of the PSD by admitting that it “obviously” would prevent the communist congress from taking place on the last weekend of November, which he described as a “ Dangerous path”.

The state of emergency regime stipulates that “the meetings of the statutory bodies of political parties, unions and professional associations shall in no case be prohibited, dissolved or subject to prior authorization.”

The XXI National Congress of the PCP takes place on November 27, 28 and 29, 2020 in Pavilhão Paz e Amizade, in Loures, under the motto “Organize, Fight, Advance – Democracy and Socialism”.
