Covid-19 | Médio Tejo with 83 new infections and Abrantes mourning eight deaths at Pego’s house (with audio)


The Association of Health Centers (ACES) of the Médio Tejo registered 83 new cases of contagion by the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours and has 349 more people recovered from the disease. New cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection were registered in Ourém (+38), Tomar (+16), Abrantes (+15) and Alcanena (+14) and the region has reached 2,278 cases since the beginning of the pandemic . .


With two outbreaks underway in two homes in the municipality of Abrantes, in Pego and in Carvalhal, there are already eight confirmed deaths in users of the Pego Social Center since the start of the covid-19 outbreak that has been occurring there since the end of October, situation that the mayor of Abrantes, Manuel Jorge Valamatos, updated, and says that it is a “tragedy” that the town of Pego and the entire municipality of Abrantes mourn.


The regional health delegate said, in turn, that the pandemic curve continues to rise at the national level. Maria dos Anjos Esperança argued that the restrictive measures in force in 191 municipalities should be extended to all municipalities in the country. Portugal today registers 6,994 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, the highest daily value since the start of the pandemic, in addition to 69 deaths


In the 11 counties of the region, with a total of 2,278 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, Ourém registers 623 confirmed infections (+38), followed by Tomar, with 369 (+16), Entroncamento, with 318, Torres Novas, with 302, Abrantes, with 246 (+15), Alcanena, with 229 (+14), Mação, with 57, Constância, with 41, Vila Nova da Barquinha 32, Sardoal, with 32, and Ferreira do Zêzere, with 29 cases accumulated.

Today, ACES Médio Tejo has 955 people under active surveillance (+11). Tomar has 194 citizens in this condition, followed by Ourém (169), Abrantes (125), Entroncamento (108), Torres Novas (103), Alcanena (82), Sardoal (42), Mação (36), Constância (34) , Ferreira do Zêzere (33) and Vila Nova da Barquinha (29).

This ACES registers a cumulative total of 2,278 infected people (+83), 1209 recovered (+349), 955 people in active surveillance (+11) and 34 deaths (with data not yet updated by ACES).

ACES PIS with 21 active cases in Sertã and 4 in Vila de Rei

In ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS), the municipality of Sertã has a cumulative total of 73 infected people, 52 of whom have already recovered from the disease, according to ACES PIS. Sertã has 21 active cases and 64 people are currently under active surveillance.

Vila de Rei, meanwhile, has had a total of 7 cases of contagion since the start of the pandemic, 4 of which are still active and three people have recovered, according to ACES PIS. This Thursday there were 23 people under active surveillance in this municipality.

Middle Tagus region with a total of 2390 confirmed cases in the 13 municipalities

With around 250 thousand inhabitants, the 13 municipalities of Tejo Medio have a total of 2390 confirmed cases (+83) of contagion by the new coronavirus, of which 2278 in ACES Médio Tejo and 80 in ACES Pinhal Interior Sul (73 in Sertã and 7 in Vila de Rei). There are a total of 1,264 people recovered (1209 in ACES Médio Tejo, 52 in Sertã and 3 in Vila de Rei (ACES PIS) and 34 deceased.

ACES Médio Tejo covers the territorial area of ​​11 municipalities with approximately 235 thousand users, and covers the health units of Abrantes, Alcanena, Constância, Entroncamento, Ferreira do Zêzere, Mação, Ourém, Sardoal, Tomar, Torres Novas and Vila nova da Barquinha , in a territorial area of ​​2,706.10 square kilometers.

The municipalities of Sertã and Vila de Rei are part of the Intermunicipal Community (CIM) of the Middle Tagus in the political-administrative division, but in terms of health, they are linked to ACES do Pinhal Interior Sul (PIS), which also covers the municipalities of Proença-a- Nova and Oleiros, in a total of about 30 thousand users.

Ponte de Sor has 19 active cases, Gavião with a total of 30 accumulated cases

In Alto Alentejo, Ponte de Sor accumulates today a cumulative total of 79 (+2) positive cases since the start of the pandemic. At least five of the cases refer to people who do not reside in the municipality and who have not updated their tax residence. The municipality only mentions the occurrence of 74 cases, of which 54 are recovered (+3) and 19 are active (-1). There is a death to regret. Ponte de Sor became part of the list of municipalities with a high risk of transmission of covid-19 since Monday, subject to more restrictive measures, such as curfews.

Gavião, in turn, accumulates a total of 30 cases of covid (+8), of which 14 people have already recovered from the disease. An outbreak at the Santa Casa home worries health officials, with 10 positive employees at the institution. There are 16 active cases in the municipality and no deaths are recorded.

Lezíria region with 2,986 cases since the start of the pandemic

Today Lezíria do Tejo presents 72 new cases, 55 recovered patients, 3 deaths and a cumulative total of 2,986 patients, of which 1,149 cases in the municipality of Santarém, according to data from the Regional Network. Chamusca has a total of 111 confirmed cases (+10), including four deaths, and Golegã records 51 infections (+1) and one death (today).

The Lezíria region has accumulated 80 deaths (+3), 31 of which in Santarém, and 2,230 people recovered from the disease.

Santarém district with a total of 5400 cases and 114 deaths

The Santarém district has a cumulative total of 5,400 confirmed cases of disease (3,102 in Lezíria do Tejo and 2,278 in ACES Médio Tejo) and a total of 114 deaths (80 in Lezíria and 34 in ACES Médio Tejo). Lezíria has a total of 2,230 recovered and ACES Médio Tejo has 1,209, which gives a total of 3,439 recovered persons.

Portugal with 6,994 cases of infection, new daily maximum

Portugal today registers 6,994 new cases of infection by the new coronavirus, the highest daily value since the start of the pandemic, and 69 more deaths related to covid-19, according to the epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS). This is the largest daily increase in infections since the start of the pandemic, surpassing the maximum recorded on November 13 (6653).

Regarding hospital admissions, the epidemiological bulletin reveals that 3,017 people are admitted to nursing (34 less than on Wednesday) and 458 to intensive care units (26 more). Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has registered 3,701 deaths and 243,009 cases of infection by the new coronavirus, with 81,384 active cases today, 2,703 more than on Wednesday.

The DGS indicates that of the 69 deaths registered in the last 24 hours, 29 occurred in the North region, 24 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, 12 in the Center region, one in the Alentejo and five in the Algarve. According to the bulletin, 63 percent of new cases are located in the North, which represented 4,415 more infections in the last 24 hours, totaling 124,572 cases of contagion and 1,726 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

In the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, another 1,542 new cases of infection were reported, now accounting for 84,800 cases and 1,363 deaths. In the Central region, 724 more cases of contagion were registered, with 22,921 and 466 deaths. In Alentejo, 145 new cases were registered, totaling 4,825 and 89 deaths. The Algarve region today reported 102 more cases of infection, for a total of 4,459 cases and 40 deaths since the start of the pandemic. In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, 40 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours, adding 684 detected infections and 15 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. Madeira registered 26 new cases in the last 24 hours, representing 748 infections and two deaths.

The DGS also says that health authorities have 80,097 contacts under surveillance, 470 more than on Wednesday, and that 4,222 more recovered patients have been reported, totaling 157,924 since the start of the pandemic.

In the bulletin, the General Health Directorate indicates that on November 16 an update of the data analysis technology system of SINAVE (National Epidemiological Surveillance System) was carried out, updating the accumulated number of confirmed and recovered cases to that date. .

Confirmed cases are distributed in all age groups, with the highest number of infections between 20 and 59 years. The new coronavirus has already infected at least 107,130 men and 131,249 women in Portugal, according to reported cases. Today’s bulletin indicates that there are 4,630 confirmed cases of unknown genders that are under investigation, as this data is not automatically released. Of the total deaths, 1,897 were men and 1,804 women. The highest number of deaths is still concentrated in people over 80 years of age.

The covid-19 pandemic caused at least 1,350,275 deaths derived from more than 56.2 million cases of infection worldwide, according to a report prepared by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

c / LUSA
